If you were stranded on an island with a shoe a plank of wood and a panda bear how would you escape. By the way the panda bear can swim and the shoe can turn into an airplane.
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... I probably wouldn't know the shoe could turn into an airplane, and I don't know how to drive one, and the airplane wouldn't have gas so that's out of the question.
I'd probably would be scared of the panda bear, although I know they are herbivores.
WAIT trick question >:)
If there is a panda bear, it can't be a deserted island I am stranded on, cause this panda had to have parents and so on, so its a island of pandas. And there's no way poachers would miss up this island, See More so I wouldn't be alone!!
No need to escape >:)
I'd probably would be scared of the panda bear, although I know they are herbivores.
WAIT trick question >:)
If there is a panda bear, it can't be a deserted island I am stranded on, cause this panda had to have parents and so on, so its a island of pandas. And there's no way poachers would miss up this island, See More so I wouldn't be alone!!
No need to escape >:)

Poachers are horrible.:((
on July 12, 2013
on May 06, 2013
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Hmmm... lol I probs wouldn't want to escape bc I think an island would be a great place to live.:D
on June 01, 2017
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2 answers,
1: i would sit on yhe plank of wood and the panda could drive me 2 home.
2: i would make da shoes into a airoplane and leave the chunk of wood and go with da panda.
1: i would sit on yhe plank of wood and the panda could drive me 2 home.
2: i would make da shoes into a airoplane and leave the chunk of wood and go with da panda.
on March 12, 2012
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I would hug the panda forever until he stops being cute (Impossible) and then we will fly off into the sunset in the shoe-plane. But I would still hug the panda coz they're zoo dang cute.
on March 30, 2014
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Kill the bear for food, gather more wood and make a boat then leave with the dead panda meat
on January 10, 2019
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Well, I'd try not to irritate the bear...
I'd also try and look for a manual and map for the airplane. Even if I knew how to pilot, which I wouldn't (not in a million years), I wouldn't risk flying, getting lost, slowly running out of fuel... boom, dead. The airplane would be my home.
I'd look for a weapon and water, food source, etc.
I'd also try and look for a manual and map for the airplane. Even if I knew how to pilot, which I wouldn't (not in a million years), I wouldn't risk flying, getting lost, slowly running out of fuel... boom, dead. The airplane would be my home.
I'd look for a weapon and water, food source, etc.
on April 18, 2018
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i would tie a noose with the shoelaces, stand on the plank of wood and let the panda eat me as i slip out of life
on February 19, 2018
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I'd either kill the panda for food or ignore it. If kill panda, seach for more wood to cook the meat. If not, then search for fruits and other food stuff. A plane can't run on nothing so it'd be useless to try and escape with it. I would just give up on escaping and live inside the airplane...

XD you could use the panda as fuel!

XD just being honest with myself. I'd probably die as soon as anything happened probably.
on June 01, 2017

As long as it's super obvious or something. I can't come up with some fuel recipe out of thin air. Besides, the panda fat probably isn't enough to fuel a whole plane, assuming panda fat really is an ingredient...
on May 31, 2017

on May 31, 2017

IDK if I was trapped in a random Island with a panda....I take my chances! Like you can turn algee into fuel. I imagine you can use panda fat XD
on May 31, 2017
on May 31, 2017
on May 31, 2017
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I would kill the panda bear for its resources like meat and fat, and cook it with the plank of wood by breaking it and making a fire, with rocks and leaves. When its done cooking I would use the shoe and turn it into an airplane and FLY AWAY!!!!! With the panda's resources, I could use that as fuel :D Before that though I would need to kill it with something so I would use the shoelaces as rope and I would take a stick and tie a sharpened rock to it, MAN MAKE AXE!!! MAN MAKE FIRE!!! See More MAN MAKE AIRPLANE!!! I would also bring some coconuts with me for something to drink. Yes, i did over think this. IM SORRY FOR KILLING IT BUT IT WAS THE EASIEST FOOD SOURCE!!
on May 31, 2017
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well, wat r the odds that i would b on an island with a panda and wat r the odds that it could swim!!!!?????
on March 03, 2016
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I would take the wood and carve Ariana Grande is the best!!!!!! Play with the panda, and then take the shoe-plane with the panda I named Mr. Panda.
on November 27, 2013
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hmm.... I'd properly take the panda, play with him in till he try's to eat me after a couple of days from hunger even though theres a coconut tree, (He hates coconut) I decied to save him anyway. (Cause there cute) Then taking the plank, carve a message into it saying - "Hello." - and send it out to sea. Then i'd just fly away on my shoe-plane. :) TA-DA
on November 27, 2013
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LOL take the panda and have fun on the island for a while, making plank into my buddy as well as the panda before burning plank as he betrays me by secretly trying to take shoe and fly away!!!
Panda: okay thats more outragious than your usual ideas
Me: i know but hey i have a talking panda so who cares, off to the plane!! we're going to Japan
Panda: but you dont know japanese
Me: i know :( but you do!
Panda: thats racist, i'm only a baby
Me: Panda, why you talk then! :D
Panda: okay thats more outragious than your usual ideas
Me: i know but hey i have a talking panda so who cares, off to the plane!! we're going to Japan
Panda: but you dont know japanese
Me: i know :( but you do!
Panda: thats racist, i'm only a baby
Me: Panda, why you talk then! :D
on November 26, 2013
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make fire with the airplane and wait for people to come get you and when they do bring the shoes and the panda

.... but isnt the shoe the air plane? then how would you burn the airplane, what happens to the plank :-O oh well, what are you going to do :D
on November 26, 2013
on June 08, 2013
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teach the anda bear to swim and put the wood on his back so i will swim home
on May 15, 2013
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I would get the panda to hold the shoe so it can take us into the air. I would hold the wood in case the aeroplane stopped working. If the panda stopped swimming I would use the wood to help me swim.
on April 17, 2013
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i would ues the panda to swim to shore and sit on the plank of would with one shoe on
on March 14, 2012
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Use the plank of wood as a boat, and tie the panda to it with the shoelaces. We'd ride to land, and after that I'd keep it as a pet.
on May 31, 2017
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I beat the panda to death with the shoe cook him put him in the ocean sit on the bodie and paddle with the plank with one bloody shoe on and when i got hungry eat part of the panda and drink its blood

At least use a sharp object like a piece of wood. It would put it out of any misery faster.
on May 31, 2017
on May 22, 2012