Is it possible to lick your elbow?!?!? i know it sounds like a silly question but i want to know if anyone has done it, cuz' i CAN NOT!!!
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I fing it hard tto believe not many people can. O.O But it IS possible!
on July 31, 2012
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Finallly someone smart!!

Actually, it is, just not easily. You can
a) be really flexible
b) be able to dislocate your sholder with control and feel no pain (PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE, JUST RARE)
a) be really flexible
b) be able to dislocate your sholder with control and feel no pain (PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE, JUST RARE)
on April 19, 2016
on June 21, 2013
on May 05, 2012
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Some people can. If they have long tongues, it's very much possible that they can lick their elbow.
on November 15, 2016
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on July 18, 2016
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Link neal from gmm did it
Linku I did you vocaloid song poll
on July 18, 2016
on July 17, 2016
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if you were double jointed and had a really long tongue you could but I've never been able to do it
on July 16, 2016
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I can just barely do it but it feels like I am pulling like 10 billion muscles in my neck while doing it
on July 15, 2016
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Yes, I can do it.
(all I have to do is bend my shoulder really far back and lean forward a bit, I also have a weirdly long tongue so that helps)
(all I have to do is bend my shoulder really far back and lean forward a bit, I also have a weirdly long tongue so that helps)
on July 15, 2016
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Go to gymnastics and be really flexible. Then lick your elbo after all those years!!!
on July 13, 2016
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on April 19, 2016