Should I do this?? Read description below... Well I really want to show off my singing voice but my dad won't let me start a band and I also REALLY want to get famous. So, should I make a band, go on YouTube, or keep looking?? Please help!!
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Start by doing covers of songs and original songs on YouTube! Then just tell people to check them out. Tell people at your school and on here and stuff:)

Okay but I would never be like JB :/
on September 04, 2013

Yeah, that's how JB got famous
on September 03, 2013
on September 03, 2013
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Most people start off on youtube then get known. I would get some trustworthy friends and make a video on youtube.
on September 02, 2013
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I agree with nomnommoon, YouTube is the best solution to get noticed! Good luck!
on September 03, 2013
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Get with your friends, start a band or call it a group and then post videos of your songs on YouTube
on September 03, 2013
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I would make a band and get youtube famous. plus you can always tell people on here to check it out. some of us, like me, will support you 100%

on September 04, 2013
on September 03, 2013