What should i do?? I have a cat and he is 18 and has a thyroid condition. He is old and thin. He is also a weird cat. He run around the house, has a loud and low meow, and is just very dog-like. My dad said that he would be passing away in the next month or 2, so we should be ready. HOW CAN I BE READY????? :(
Answers (11)
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OMG that is so sad!! Just think of the great memories, and make a little memorial. Did you bury him or cremate him? If you buried him, just go to his "grave" and pray. What was his name? Hope that helped. So sorry :(( :3
on September 13, 2014
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OMG that is so sad!!!!!!! Have the best time ever with him until he passes away and when he does bury him with his favorite toys and something to remember you...
on November 28, 2013
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:( So what happened ?

Well, I published this a few months ago. Since then, he got a little better and seemed normal. Then he took a turn for the worse. He got so bad we put him to sleep a last month. It was sad, but it was the best for him.
on October 22, 2013
on October 22, 2013
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My answer- think about buying a new pet, looking a lot like your former one. Get ready to set a funeral and remember, soon you will have memories with your new :((cat.

on August 24, 2013
on August 23, 2013
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make a book of everything fun you ever did with him give him love ad affetion.:(( its sad
on August 23, 2013
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Send him some love and spend as much time as you can with him treasuring every moment I have had oets die before so I know what to also wish them the best and send them happy thoughts
on August 23, 2013
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Kill him!!!!!! Just kidding, not serious alright! Take as many pics of him/her as u can!!! And watch them lol!!
on August 23, 2013