do you think im pretty
look at my profile pic
look at my profile pic

on October 29, 2013
on October 29, 2013

NyanCatLover24 asked a question
help!please! i need someone to go ro the dance with how do i get a boy to ask me
on October 20, 2013

on October 20, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

what kind of friend are you? (1)
on September 27, 2013

Ok I'll make another chapter lol
on September 27, 2013

Wattpad - Discover a World of Unlimited Stories - Read free books and stories
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on September 22, 2013

Hiya, I've joined my friends blog http://www.fabidoodle-fashion.blogspot.co.uk/

Fabidoodle Fashion
Fabidoodle Fashion Be sure to follow me on Twitter @Fabidoodleness and check out the new Facebook page, Fabidoodle Fashion! Our schedule is as follows: Monday - Makeup Tutorial *AWESOME* Wednesday - Update (New makeup e.t.c...) *AWESOME* Friday - Outfit of the Week (OOTW) *AWESOME* Don't forget to +1! Also, type in your email below to subscribe by email! Follow my blog... By EMAIL!!! Sunday, 1 September 2013 Luuuverly Lucy #1 Hi guys! I'm Lucy, and I'm new to blog posting. I've joined Fabidoodle Fashion, and I am now “second in command”. I love painting my nails, so I'm writing about ways to paint our nails! Enjoy! Nails are an important part of the fashion world. The perfect will compliment your outfit, as well as working well with your skin, hair and eye c
on September 02, 2013

One day nyan cat was walking down the street."I want a friend"he thought.

on July 25, 2013
on June 15, 2013

Hope you like it!:)

on July 17, 2013
on May 19, 2013