Ask AppleJack! ask me anything about the apple family or pretty much anything about mlp. I will try to answer every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I am excited to answer all of your questions --apple jack
Answers (14)
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Is applebloom the youngest in your whole family???:-O<You have a big family...

actually, applebloom and babsseed are the same age. but yes, other than that applebloom is the youngest...
on March 12, 2014
on October 14, 2013
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What do you think of the Rabid Pony Haters? Like, the ones that want to destroy us?
~Azure Spark, Unicorn
~Azure Spark, Unicorn
on July 02, 2014
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hi guys I apologize for being away for sooo long. but I am here now to anser your questions!;)
on March 12, 2014
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What would you say is the best part about living and working on the farm?

well I love picking apples so me and granny smith can bake apple pies! there delicious!:D
on March 12, 2014
on October 07, 2013
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how did you get a cutie mark with 3 apples? did you eat a lot of apples? is that your talent?
on October 14, 2013

actually, its when I realized I am a country pony at heart. when I was just a little filly, I visited my relitives in manhatten and...no, im a country pony. not some sophisticated pony.
on September 02, 2013
on September 02, 2013
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What would you do if Applebloom had amnesia?

I don't really know. I guess there is nothing much I could do. I would bring her to doctor, I think.
on August 30, 2013
on August 30, 2013
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do you know what Appleblooms cutie mark is going to look like?
on October 14, 2013
my prediction would be designing. on show stoppers (i think) where they do the song, applebloom knew what to do already but her only choice to do was dance
on September 22, 2013

sorry but i have no idea. her cutie mark will be whatever she is good at and she has not discovered what she is good at yet. sorry. but thank yall for asking!
on August 22, 2013
on August 22, 2013
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Was Big Mac shy as a philly??

well...big macintosh actually is not shy...it is just because he doesn't talk a lot...he just doesn't like talking that much...he likes to say yes and no a lot, :)though.
on August 22, 2013
on August 22, 2013
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ask me anything about my life!:)
I will be happy to answer!
I will be happy to answer!

on August 21, 2013

well...i don't know...i guess its because i just love the apple treats! lol. i AM part of the APPLE family but... i guess it is a little strange how i was so hungry. maybe its because i love apple fritters. hehe.
on August 21, 2013
on August 21, 2013
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What are AppleJack's parents like?

Heh, i can answer this one... i knew them a little. They were rlly nice, hardworking ponies, just like the rest of the Apple family. They died when a bridge collapsed and they were on it... i remember on my few trips to the ground living in Cloudsdale how Applejack was crying for a few days without stopping, and i finally got a little annoyed and asked her why See More she was crying she said her parents had died. I never knew my parents, so i cld share the pain. we talked for a little, then became friends That fillies and gentlcolts, was how i met AJ. She was the reason i moved to ponyville ;)
on January 25, 2014
on December 21, 2013