Can I have some advice? I'm in love with a girl, what should I do? I will always listen, even if this question is old!
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You still like her? Try being friends with her, talking at random moments you are together like in the lunch queue or in class if you get put in the same group

Awww you're gone,, dude. You're completely stuck on her :)
on April 09, 2014

Sorry for the long reply! Uh, I'm a little embarrassed, but we got really close because we were in a Tornado drill in this room, and one of me friends pushed me really close up behind her, and I stopped just in time! But anyways, her hair smells, well...nice.
on April 09, 2014

That's so romantic aw :)
on March 12, 2014

Awwwww! Good she didn't go ew......
on March 12, 2014

Eh, lettered her and made her blush...
on March 11, 2014

How you getting on with her :) any progress ?
on March 02, 2014

Aw cute :) good luck
on February 25, 2014

I'll try it, thanks!
on February 25, 2014
on February 24, 2014
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ok this is the big mistake ppl do when they give advice. if u dont wanna risk failure DONT JUST TELL HER YOU LIKE HER. You got to take it very slow. are you friends with her? try spending some more time with her. pay close attention to her behavior. she might drop some hints, and actually, so should you. you'll see big progress in a couple of weeks trust me
on December 26, 2013
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Be yourself, all girls love that. Make small talk with her. Keep it slow. Let her know you like her. Maybe buy her something pretty or ask her what movie she is exciting for that could be coming out ask if she wants to go to the movies.
on September 10, 2013
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Just go for it! Ask her out. Even if she says no it was worth a try, right?

Was every body picking up cards, or what? If she sort of shyly came up behind you then it probably wasn't a coincidence, but if she just sort if waltzed up then it probably wasn't a big deal.
on September 10, 2013

She's the same age. The problem is that we hardly see each other during the periods and the only period I see her in is band. Every once in a while she might glance at me, an yesterday, she grabbed a practice card (a card you record band practice with) right after I did. But do you think that's coincidence? Or was that on purpose?
on September 10, 2013

What's bad about being in jr high? Like, you're not allowed to date, or she's older/younger than you...? But maybe try texting her to see if you can talk sometime.
on August 26, 2013
on August 20, 2013
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Keep being in lObe with her! If this is who you are be it! Don't let others take away what's meaningful to you!
on August 20, 2013
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1. Say "hi"
2. Tell her to know about you then give her your name
3. Try to make connections
4. Tell her the cool stuff you did then she can make connections
5. Tell her to play a game in general playground
6. Make her meet your friends. (Optional) See More
Most accurate answer you could get to make friends
1. Say "hi"
2. Tell her to know about you then give her your name
3. Try to make connections
4. Tell her the cool stuff you did then she can make connections
5. Tell her to play a game in general playground
6. Make her meet your friends. (Optional) See More
Most accurate answer you could get to make friends
on April 29, 2017
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Email me at [email protected] and I will give you pointers .....I'm a girl..:x

I have had experiences not like I like you I have a boyfriend...I don't mean to put weird faces...:"> did you ask her out yet? Also be yourself
on March 11, 2014
on March 11, 2014