Can anyone else feel pain in their dreams? I just wondered If anyone else can because I can, and can you feel emotions in dreams? Please answer because I'm feeling that I'm strange!
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I mean, not real pain. Unless I like, bite my tongue in real life or something. You can't get hurt during a dream, not physically. You can think you are because during the dream it feels real, but in real life you're not. Hope this makes sense.

Thanks :)
on August 03, 2013
on August 03, 2013
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Of course considering.. i have nightmares every night i usual end up being in a lot of pain or dying and i also feel emotions as well.
on August 03, 2013
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We had this topic at school once, in 8th grade, most people said they felt what they felt in their dream. I feel the same way too, its really wierd though.
on July 30, 2018
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It seems when I sleep, I don't normally dream, or don't remember it.... but when I do, the dream is quite deep....vivid, but never with any pain in it..... but definitively lots of action...
on March 06, 2016
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I feel pain in my stomach when I jump from really high well I do that a lot in my dreams
on December 30, 2015
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yes, once i had like an almond or something in the back of my shirt so when i went to sleep, i had a dream where i was shot in the back but the pain was so umbarible i woke up, it wasnt that bad when i was, i think in ur dream state, everything is rather volumised, so like small thigs ecome very big
on June 24, 2014
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yeah. your mind makes the dreams up so yeah youve be hit before you know what it feels like your brain memorizes these feelings making it possible for them to be relived!
on May 26, 2014
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in a dream i had my arm shot off and when i woke up i couldn't feel it, but i just lay on it and lost all circulation and couldn't move it :p

on October 17, 2013
on October 16, 2013
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I can sometimes. Once I had this nightmare and when I tried to wake up I heard this scary voice saying: "don't wake up don't wake up stay STAY" and that really scared me so I tried waking up even harder and the voice got angrier and angrier and I suddenly felt someone grab me by my shirt and pull on my hair. I still shiver thinking about it. And I had that dream when I was about 10!

on May 26, 2014
on August 28, 2013
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yes sometimes such as emotions and once i work up with tears in my eyes coz i was having a nightmare (ik weird...)
on August 06, 2013
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The reason I asked is because I had a dream someone stabbed me with a knife, well, they tried to but they only managed to catch me a little so the knife scratched me if that made sense and it really hurt in my dream but when I woke up it didn't hurt and I hadn't scratched myself. And I actually felt really scared that they were gonna stab me in my dream it was so weird...
on August 03, 2013