Who else is a ginger?
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Noooooooo but it is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, dark brown (or black, whatever).
on April 26, 2014
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my dad is a ginger. mum naturally had calico hair and I'm the only on born with chocolate brown hair, my family either has red blonde or pure black hair (except mum)and also I was born with hazel eyes that turn gold and my dead grandpa had hazel eyes too but his used to turn blue and green do you find it weird I'm the only family alive and from this century that is like this. oh but I bleached it blonde/white. also many of my friends are gingers:)
on December 27, 2013
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my hair is multicoloured. brown,,light brown, black,red, ginger,gold 4 goodness sake.
on November 02, 2013
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Lol, my cousin is

My friend who is writing that story is on QFeast. She is heredia7. It would be hilarious if you wen to her wall and wrote "I know where you live". Jk
on July 23, 2013

My friend is writing a story about a girl named Autumn who is going through teenage pregnancy
on July 23, 2013
on July 23, 2013