A question ive had since i was a kid i had a stupid idea once after watching an episode of spongebob about opposite day i thought so theres flashlights? what about darklights? in the day when its to bright you can use it to make it so its not so bright.
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the first thing that came to my mind was use Germany to just walk where the sun is shining so it doesn't get in your eyes...... Something is very wrong with me|-) I need sleep
on December 29, 2013
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Flashlights emit light. The only thing that's the opposite of light is the emptiness of light, a shadow. Though you can't physically hold shadows, if you have an object the blocks the sun you can create tit, such as a parasol.
on July 02, 2016
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Yeah, it's called COVER YOUR WINDOWS.

I did read the question. There is no way to produce darkness unless you cover your windows.
on July 24, 2013
on July 22, 2013
on July 22, 2013
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There are black lights (you can buy the bulbs for pretty cheap) they make things glow and stuff. Like, your teeth will glow, a white short will, pretty much anything white. I don't know if this counts, but I thought it was close enough:D hope this helps!
on July 22, 2013
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Hmmmmm I'm pretty sure that they don't exist but what do I know?!?! Still cool idea

Oops I accidentally clicked add. I am not finished yet! So I wish an inventor or some guy will use your idea so that everyone can buy one!!!!the most awesome idea ever
on July 22, 2013
on July 22, 2013
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That would b so cool! Flashlights have a bulb, and batteries that hold electricity. When the button is pushed, some cells take the light/electricity to the bulb, and give it to the bulb. The cells go incredibly fast. How many cells are there? As many as it takes to fit the wires. If there was a way that these cells could take atoms of darkness to the bulb, then that would be pretty cool!
on July 22, 2013