What do i do!?!?! please help Ok so a while ago I broke up with my bf.... And I miss him like CRAZY now... but there's one small problem with getting back together with him. He likes my Bestie. Ya ik it's bad. I've told him that I still like him but he didn't really care... he hides his feelings and doesn't date in the summer... which right now it's summer :( Everyone says don't get back together with him he broke ur heart. Well I did this to myself... I broke my own heart... Please help me.... guys can chip in too... ur advice could be really helpful... cuz u know it a guy an he's a guy OK you get it.... HELP ME. Btw his fav colors are black and pink so
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If I'm not too late to answer, I'd say keep trying, keep hoping. Now I may not be a the best , but I say tell him again but make it a little bit more meaningful. Reason with him, try to mend things. Start by getting a few words out of him. I can hide feelings pretty well, but they're still there. I'm 12 by the way. Anyway like I said keep trying, keep hoping. Hope I didn't come to late.

you did. but its totally ok. im over him and he's out of my life
on December 08, 2013
on August 19, 2013
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that happened to me two but i was so shy that i couldn't handle it i still loved him but i think you might have broke his heart to (not to be mean ) but he probably still loves you and if not its his loss if he likes your bestie tell him to stay friends if their relationship is over and hes upset help him he will see what a kind and generous person you are
on July 11, 2013
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Well that happened to me when I was dating this dude called Ethan we broke up but we were still like really close coz I've known him from the day i was born but he went out with my BFF and then they broke up then we went back out then he got me prego(I'm only14
on July 10, 2013
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However if it was the other way round, you are feeling this way right? But you might not. You need to ask yourself how you feel. And if you feel that you don't know why he broke up with you then go up to him and ask him. If he doesn't awnser then try again the next day and slowly the truth will start to come out! Also as you want to go a back out again when the above has succeeded take it slowly to resign his trust and for him to like you again
hope this help
hope this help

oh well, u known boys who seem the right guy don't turn out what they seem to be. Don't worry this is your chance to meet some new people. And even if you love this boy so much it's obvios he is soooooo not the one!
on July 11, 2013

Ok well thanx but he was really mean last night and I'm not talking to him for a while cuz when I read the message I cried for hours so
on July 10, 2013
on July 10, 2013
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well, did he break up with u or was it the other way round! If it was the other way round he thinks why did she break up withme? Did i do something wrong? Wasn't i good enough? And he is probaly feeling confused... If you see him looking a bit daydreamy/sad then go up him and calm his in why u broke up with him!
on July 10, 2013
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Try again and tell that boy how u feel. But once a boy in my Cush list asked me out, I said yes but i wanted
on July 10, 2013
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Ar'nt you 11??

That's nice....sorry i can't help cuz i don't really get these kinda things...maybe i will when i grow up
on July 10, 2013
on July 10, 2013