when will i get my first period (1) I'm 11 years old and my mom got hers when she was 12. But my grandma got hers at 9!! I get discharge at least once a day. And half the time I can feel it when I walk. EWWW um I weigh 66 pounds... I think my breasts can fit an 30 bra or is it a 30 idk. I'm not an expert on bras. But I normally just wear a training bra. I'm moody sometimes but not all the time. I can get extra snappy or tired real easy. Im physically small but my height is 4"10. I'm somewhat active I dance all the time... and the last time I got a cramp well I have a small one right now but it was about 6hrs ago.I've taken a lot of quizzes on here and about 6 of them say that I'll get my period either this month or sometime really soon so... I'm really confused....PLEASE answer this or some advice would be great thank you!!!
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Okay, my advice is: DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. Whether it comes tomorrow or in five years, it's still going to suck. I get that you want to know and everything, but the longer you don't have it, the happier you'll be EVERY WEEK OF THE MONTH. I got mine when I was 11... In the middle of a snowstorm- yeah my mom had to drive to get me stuff in the snow. (That was my random story) but seriously, don't freak out. Let Mother Nature do her thing- even if it isn't until your freshman See More year of highschool or whatever. I hope this helps you realize that it's not that big of a deal!:) ((but seriously I hope this helps))
on July 09, 2013
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Girl i got mine at 9 and i hated it and still do!! so take your your time hun cus its not fun at all.
on May 20, 2014
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Every girl has different times. There is not a single brain that knows when your period will come. It will come eventually.
on April 16, 2014
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make a period kit there are great youtube vids on period kits type in period kits ( lol said period kits so many times) and they will be lots of vids
on November 19, 2013
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U won't get ur period till ur over 100 pounds so wait till then

on March 07, 2014
on July 14, 2013
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well you might get it in a few month just be prepared in case it happens when your out bring pads and stuff like that :)
on July 09, 2013
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Hard to say...Well a tip, if you wake up one day with horrible cramps and a headache, your probably gonna get your period that day.
on July 09, 2013
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I don't know what to tell you. I had mine at 9. Just take my quiz I made it for people asking this question.

on July 09, 2013
on July 09, 2013