are you popular or not? are you?????? :) please answer
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Popularity isn't important to me, but I have a lot of friends, so I guess you could CONSIDER me being popular.
If you want to split up people like that, than I guess it's the people who are friends with EVERYBODY and are nice to everyone that are "popular".
The people who are considered "preps" and "populars" are just everyday people who cut themselves off from other people and aren't as excepting.
I don't like the idea of cliques; they cut people away from each other, See More (who are actually very similar), and make other people who aren't being excepted into cliques feel bad. I think we should ALL get along, and love each other for who we are, not what social group or class we belong to. <3<3<3:D
If you want to split up people like that, than I guess it's the people who are friends with EVERYBODY and are nice to everyone that are "popular".
The people who are considered "preps" and "populars" are just everyday people who cut themselves off from other people and aren't as excepting.
I don't like the idea of cliques; they cut people away from each other, See More (who are actually very similar), and make other people who aren't being excepted into cliques feel bad. I think we should ALL get along, and love each other for who we are, not what social group or class we belong to. <3<3<3:D
on January 01, 2014
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And frankly prefer not to be.
One slip up and im done. Plus i prefer to be around fewer ppl
And frankly prefer not to be.
One slip up and im done. Plus i prefer to be around fewer ppl
on September 16, 2019
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I honestly dont care if I am. I have alot of friends and thats all that matters. In my opinion most of the popular kids at my school are pretty obnoxious. I dont even really understand popularity. Who made someone to most popular girl in school. Its like a mysterious force that decides for us and im pretty sick of it
on May 03, 2012
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I’m popular among the geeky drama kids, and proud to say so. I think it’s better to have a small group of real friends then a large group of fake friends.
on March 15, 2018
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Nope. My rank at school is probably that of "weirdo" besides, where is the fun in being popular? EMBRACE WEIRDNESS PEOPLE, DON'T BE ROBOTS!
on December 14, 2014
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like one time this girl like follows me around and i saw her at the gas station and she like waved to me like i was her BFF
on March 29, 2012
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Well depends what u see in a person being popular :) Sooner or later we all are popular (in our world of course)
on January 18, 2012
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I don't really know and I don't really care.
I wish I was dead and cold
I wish I was dead and
I wish I was dead and cold
I wish I was dead and cold
I wish I was dead and cold
I wish I was dead and
I wish I was dead and cold
I wish I was dead and cold
on November 13, 2020
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Not really... I'm best friends with the popular people BUT no one really notices me or cares I'm even there
on July 26, 2020
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You can say that, but contradicting many schools, the snobbish kids are actually pretty despised. Honestly, they would ALWAYS try to brag about how their parents are wealthy and everything. But, if we CAN pay the school tuition fee ($44692), we are not going to die of hunger, AND THEY SHOULDN'T BE JUDGING US! We did not earn those money.
on March 18, 2019
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Well...to be honest...I really don't think I am...but...I do care for a lot of people though... ^-'
on November 05, 2018
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I'm popular. Like I'm on student council at my school. AND IM THE PRESIDENT OF IT!!
on February 21, 2017
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I know a lot of people, but I wouldn't called them my friends. But I don't care about popularity. I just try to keep up with my grades.
on October 22, 2015
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i'm personaly not but I look though here to see most people are not but those who are have their comments disliked :/ why? I get that most popular people can be seen as rude and such but nothing here really seem that rude :c
on October 19, 2015
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I am SO popular! Every boy likes me. I dont wanna sound rude or anything, though
on July 08, 2015
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Dunno everyone seems to like me and I hang with everyone in my grade! But I have one close BFF.:)
on December 31, 2014