Enlighten me, what is Hetalia about? I know it's an anime, I just don't get it...
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Basically, it's a story of World War I and II. All of the characters are the countries of the world as people, and they do what the countries did in the wars. Like for example, because Germany and Italy formed an alliance in the war, the characters named after Germany and Italy become friends. And if the countries had a fight, the characters would have a fight.
I know this because I watched the whole first series when I used to like it. :/
I know this because I watched the whole first series when I used to like it. :/

Oh, that makes much more sense.
on April 05, 2015
on April 05, 2015
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BEST ANIME EV- XD nah I'm not gonna do that to you.
Basically it is about a world where country's are people and half of what they do is what other country's do/done like for example here's a description of Germany
Human name:Ludwig beilschmidt
Personality:loud,has a short temper,serious,strong and powerful also a soldier
Appearance:gelled back bright blonde hair,shiny bright blue eyes,wears the metal cross (doesn't mean he's a nazi.),wears boots that go See More up to his shins,occasionally wears a hat,wears poofy military pants and a long sleeved shirt with jet black gloves.
Favorite foods:potatoes,wurst (he also drinks ALOT of beer)
Dislikes: His brother (occasionally),procrastination,people not following orders,Romano.
And that's a bit of Germany basically it has alot of feels trips but there's some parts that are extremely funny and it is also educational if your into history :3
There's 3 series so far with a 4th coming out this year.
Axis powers
World series
Beautiful world (lots of fan service in beautiful world. ._.)
And the upcoming world twinkle. Hope that's enough info for ya!
Basically it is about a world where country's are people and half of what they do is what other country's do/done like for example here's a description of Germany
Human name:Ludwig beilschmidt
Personality:loud,has a short temper,serious,strong and powerful also a soldier
Appearance:gelled back bright blonde hair,shiny bright blue eyes,wears the metal cross (doesn't mean he's a nazi.),wears boots that go See More up to his shins,occasionally wears a hat,wears poofy military pants and a long sleeved shirt with jet black gloves.
Favorite foods:potatoes,wurst (he also drinks ALOT of beer)
Dislikes: His brother (occasionally),procrastination,people not following orders,Romano.
And that's a bit of Germany basically it has alot of feels trips but there's some parts that are extremely funny and it is also educational if your into history :3
There's 3 series so far with a 4th coming out this year.
Axis powers
World series
Beautiful world (lots of fan service in beautiful world. ._.)
And the upcoming world twinkle. Hope that's enough info for ya!

Oh God I love history.

on April 05, 2015

on April 05, 2015
on April 05, 2015
on April 05, 2015
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Eri basically summed it up; characters named after countries and acting accordingly, including in relation with otjer "countries" Like, someone might be rivals, or best friends, based on how these countries get along politically in the actual world
on April 05, 2015
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DO NOT DARE ANSWER "Best anime ever!" Or "Awesome."
This is your first and final warning. =.=
This is your first and final warning. =.=
on April 05, 2015