What art supplies do you thing are the best ? Okay so i really like art and i want to know what is the best for your guys opinion

What art supplies do you thing are the best ? Okay so i really like art and i want to know what is the best for your guys opinion

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on February 24, 2020
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paint. def paint
on February 24, 2020
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I like to draw with both wood pencils and mechanical
Wood pencils are the best for shading
Mechanical pencils are good for stuff lines and such
I also enjoy using colored pencils when it comes to coloring my things they aren't too waxy and they bleed through the paper
Alcohol-based markers are pretty good even though some can be pretty expensive they are worth to try
I'm only good at traditional art so those are the kinda that I like to use
Though I don't use the markers they See More
on February 23, 2020
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