Why do I have long fingers? People have told me that long fingers are good for playing the piano. How did it happened that some people have longer fingers than others? How come some people have longer fingers than others? My fingers are also bony. I wonder why?
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Well, violin players have long fingers because they sorta stretch to play, I know because my brother plays. Piano players usually have smaller fingers because they play in a different way, I know that because I play piano and guitar. If its not any of those reasons, it's genes
I've been playing the violin and piano since I was five years old.
I do piano
on April 17, 2016
on June 04, 2014
on June 04, 2014
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on April 17, 2016
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I have short fingers so i can't rlly tell you but my friend has tiny fingers but she is a good pianist
on November 08, 2014
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Probably something to do with your genes. Do your parents have long fingers? (If you have parents, idk, some don't)
on May 31, 2014