Does he like me? Can you try to tell me please Okay actually r two guys. The first one. Is Carson. I like him but only as a friend. He's really sweet. And when I drop a pencil even when it's like 2 inches away from me he'll get it! And whenever I'm behind him getting a drink sharing pencils or even just walking through the hallway or going into a classroom. Then the other kid I'd Alex. I'm MADLY in love with him. He's ADORABLE. he can also be super sweet he will do what Carson does letting me go first. He looks at me a lot. But has a mouth like a sailor around me. Is that flirting?
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I think both of them like you, I have the same thing, I have a friend named Arri and he follows me around, and the other guy is named Ty he calls me his Bff and talks to me a lot. But also, be careful my best friend was in a problem similar to this and when she hanged out with her crush a lot more and her crush and the other guy got in a fight. So just do what you normally do :)

Your hilarious! Not. I doubt u have a bf. so shut up
on June 04, 2013

Someone's butthurt. xD
on May 26, 2013

Shugochara111, don't listen to that idiot he's stupid just ignore that dumb ass
on May 10, 2013

and also, I know your just trying to say that picking up pencil's is normal, but you don't need to make a big deal about it
on May 08, 2013

He told me he liked me
on May 08, 2013

Just because a guy calls you his BFF doesn't mean he likes you. x.x Gawd, you guys are so presumptuous. Not every guy that looks at you is in love with you.
on May 07, 2013

on May 07, 2013
on May 06, 2013
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Hun, I'm sorry, but I think they're just trying to be friendly. If he cusses a lot, maybe be interested in someone else, or tell him that you would appreciate it if he'd tone it down with the cussing. I will tell you, cursing is not a form of flirting. I cuss, a LOT. Like, a FREAKING TON. But it's not cute when a boy does it to flirt with you.
on August 28, 2013
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To start, no one should be in relationships until college. No ones mentally ready until then or capable of it. Yes, they both like you, very obviously. Stop leading your friend on and make it clear to him the not interested. Make it clear to the other guy you are interested. It's not hard or complicated.
on May 07, 2013
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Neither of these two show signs of really liking you. One shows signs of common courtesy and the other shows signs of a kid who thinks they are cool and cusses. Sorry I personally think neither of them like you. YET!! When you are older maybe =/ no hard feelings :) just an opinion
on July 12, 2013
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First off, you're probably like 12 or some sh*t. You're quite obviously in love with him, much less madly. And just because someone picks up a pencil when you drop it doesn't mean they like you. I dropped my pencil last hour and an exchange student picked it up for me. Does that mean she's in lesbians with me? No. It's just what people do. It's common courtesy.

Just because I'm a kid doesn't mean that I don't know what love is, I know more than most people, cuz I know that love at first sight doesn't exist
on February 04, 2014

Dear, you're 10. You don't know what it is. Hell, even some 30 year olds don't know. Stop kidding yourself. It's disgusting.
on June 13, 2013

I know what love iss and I'm ten so bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh I have a baby budgie yaaaaaaaay!
on June 13, 2013

on May 13, 2013

Sydvicious17, I get what your saying but Chrissy was just mad at Sempiternal because instead of saying it nicely she started talking about things that didn't really matter, like your 12 or whatever.
on May 12, 2013

Umm, wtf is your problem Chrissy? She's just telling the truth. You'll find that the answers to many of your problems comes from yourself and not the advice of others. Often times if you rely on other people to make your decisions for you then you'll never learn. That's the point of life. To learn from your mistakes.
on May 10, 2013

Shut up sempiternal ur a freaking dumb ass u r a fruckin Lezbo. Ur not cool btw don't need ur smart ass replies
on May 10, 2013
on May 07, 2013