What's your biggest pet peeve? In other words, something that really annoys you and something you very often complain about.
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When people don't listen to me. Like I'll be sitting there and tell them this long story and all I get is "uh huh." Or, Oh God, when people interrupt me. I get so ticked off. I'm just like... "Um, excuse me, b****, but I do believe I was talking." People make me so mad

I just... AGH. I just can't. People piss me off.
on May 06, 2013

Lol ikr
on May 06, 2013
on May 06, 2013
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Wen a waiter asks wll u like a table? well of course we want a table we aint ganna sit on the damn foor
on May 05, 2013
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When people think they know what they are talking about, and you prove them wrong, and their like, "Oh- well, remember when I-" and I'm just like, "No. Shut up. You are wrong and are acting stupid. Be quiet. Now." and then they proceed to insult you because they are wrong..
on May 06, 2013
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I have OCD. It doesn't seem so bad at first, but if you spell a word wrong on something, I will come fix it. I also complain about balance and proportions a lot.
on August 07, 2015
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When people won't stop talking, when things are uneven, and when people call me every fudgen minute...
on March 17, 2015
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When people throw their rubbish into the ocean. I've always loved nature.
on September 15, 2013
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When someone gets out of the shower and gets the floor wet and leave it wet. Also when people rip paper the sound makes me literally gag. ehhhhh. Also stuff on the floor. I hate when stuff get stuck to my feet.
on September 10, 2013
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Everyone is annoying in my case, except for people I like. :) people who think they know everything and thst they're better than you.
on September 08, 2013
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When a team scores, and they are like, aha in yo face, I just wanna walk up to them and say in your face, and punch them, it gets SO annoying,

And when authors describe a broken bone as a sharp pain, it is not a sharp pain, it is unbearable and it causes grown men to scream, because I have broken a bone, my wrist ,and deslocated my elbow I know, and it still causes me to shiver, so next time you write, don't write this, 'I felt a sharp pain go up my arm, but I kept running' because it HURTS ALOT
on July 25, 2013
on July 22, 2013
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I have quite a few...
Being interrupted
How idiotic the people are on The Apprentice
People ignoring the word equality
and lots more
Being interrupted
How idiotic the people are on The Apprentice
People ignoring the word equality
and lots more
on June 18, 2013
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My biggest pet peeve is when people hate other people because of how they look or their beliefs. We're all in this life together. Life is too short to hate.
on May 06, 2013