What is the funniest thing that's happened to you? I'm bored, so ya. What's the funniest thing that has happened to you?
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Told joke and nobody laughed, i was the only one who laughed!!!!

on April 26, 2013

Hahah, awkward moment.
on April 26, 2013
on April 25, 2013
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Well, this is one of the funniest things that happened to me that I can think of right now. When I was younger, I was petting my cat, and all of the sudden, she SLAPPED ME!!!! Well, she had her claws sheathed and she slapped me just like a human would about five times then ran up the stairs. It didn't hurt so I was rolling around on the floor and laughing my head off!!! XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD
on April 29, 2013
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Well, out of all of my ventures it's very very hard to say... Well. My old BFFS and I back in Colorado would do some really crazy stuff... There's the times we skipped school ad terrorized the own. The prank wars. Terrorizing teachers. Evading cops. It's endless. One time we were trying to climb a tree to get out of the sight of police because we were out past curfew. It was very hard to do carrying taco ell boxes and we didn't really want to leave them behind. So one of us stayed See More down to hold all of the boxes... That was me. Guess who got caught by the police? Yeah.... No charges obviously.. Lol all for the sake of Taco Bell.
on April 26, 2013
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I ate a ladybug. In a plane. In Poland. N a unicycle. While wearing a shoe. I am bored too.
on April 26, 2013
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It didn't really HAPPEN to me. I read a funny fanfiction. It was called "James Potter Was Sad." The entire story had four words. So of course I clicked on it and read the most amazing, brilliant fic ever and it SO needs to be published as a real book.
The four words were "James Potter was Sad" Pointless and short, but it made my day :)
The four words were "James Potter was Sad" Pointless and short, but it made my day :)
on January 01, 2014
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Me and my two best friends were whatching the ring, and I was laughing hard core because when I am scared I laugh, but really I was terrified, then my friends started to throw pillows at me, then someone yelled, and everything just went silent, then like that lasted for three minutes, but as scared as in was, it was hilariouse
on August 03, 2013
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scary ( yet funny when i think about it) My first run away ( bolted) horse LUKE :) on a trail ride ,From a controlled walk to a crazy canter, don't know why he bolted then wouldn't respond to commands but after that he pushed me up ageist the wall at feeding time ( bad boy) had a bad day I guess :P But I still <3 him :) in fact i <3 all horses :)

on April 26, 2013

wow , so far ive been riding multiply times over 3 years about 20 hours all together and haven't been bucked off yet had a bolter and a close call tho :)
on April 26, 2013
on April 26, 2013