I need to know advantages, and disadvanteges with being a vegitarian! I am thinking on becoming vegitarian, this is not just a random thought, I have been thinking about it for 3 years! I will be turning 11 in a few weeks, so I dont know if I am too young, and I know that alot of protine and iron is in meat, and I was wondering if there is protine and iron in some grains, or vegitables, I have been researching, and I know that my mum and brother will suport me, along with my father. Any help is welcomed! THANKYOU! :)
Answers (10)
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Look at how the animals are treated that we eat. Chickens, cows, it's very inhuman the way we treat them and our complete and total neglect. We're awful.

I'm glad i'm vegetaran, poor animals
on April 04, 2014

So true. :(:(:(:(
on August 19, 2013

on July 21, 2013

I can so tell were you are coming from, I have seen animal cruelity in so many countries, I have seen what they do to the animal we eat, anxiety and fear fills them, and I seriously cried once because they were SO nhorrible, that is why I don't want to put something in my body, that has been tortured!
on April 26, 2013
on April 25, 2013
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remember tht this is a big decision!
But there are many disadvantages, equal amount of advantages And i guess that giving up meat forever might be hard, but actually you are saving animals from being slaughtered so i think you should go 4 it!:)
But there are many disadvantages, equal amount of advantages And i guess that giving up meat forever might be hard, but actually you are saving animals from being slaughtered so i think you should go 4 it!:)

I live on meat (though i only eat it if I know it was cut right) so to me there are disadvantages!
on July 22, 2013

on July 21, 2013

Thankyou so much!
I am trying to save animals, I have created a page about it, you are very sweet1
I am trying to save animals, I have created a page about it, you are very sweet1
on April 25, 2013
on April 25, 2013
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1. We're not programmed to eat meat!
2. Your diet is better.
3. You save animals lives.
4. You don't look at a pig and think BACON
5. You have an awesome reason to eat frozen blueberries.
6. Your not letting people be mean to the animals just to kill them See More
1. People will tease you
2. People will say that bacon is SOOO good right in your face
3. You'll fart a lot more (You eat more beans and beans make you fart:p)
4. You might have to sometimes sit alone due to the stink of meat
I'm a vegetarian myself so I can tell you first hand it's worth it!
P.S. The disadvantages aren't that bad.
1. We're not programmed to eat meat!
2. Your diet is better.
3. You save animals lives.
4. You don't look at a pig and think BACON
5. You have an awesome reason to eat frozen blueberries.
6. Your not letting people be mean to the animals just to kill them See More
1. People will tease you
2. People will say that bacon is SOOO good right in your face
3. You'll fart a lot more (You eat more beans and beans make you fart:p)
4. You might have to sometimes sit alone due to the stink of meat
I'm a vegetarian myself so I can tell you first hand it's worth it!
P.S. The disadvantages aren't that bad.

yep, i have turned vegetarian now and i get the bacon thing ALL the time, its like, just stop, and i completely agree with ur reasons, (the bean thing is also true, lol) virtual vegetarian highfive!
on April 22, 2014
on April 04, 2014
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1. You will have a much healthier diet.
2. You can experiment with different vegetarian foods and make a really nice healthy, vegetarian meal.
3. You will be saving money by not buying meat.
4. You will not feel guilty about eating animals.
5. And the most advantagous advantage: you will know that you are saving poor animal's lives.
Disadvantages: See More
There aren't any!
There we go! 5 good things and 0 bad things :D
1. You will have a much healthier diet.
2. You can experiment with different vegetarian foods and make a really nice healthy, vegetarian meal.
3. You will be saving money by not buying meat.
4. You will not feel guilty about eating animals.
5. And the most advantagous advantage: you will know that you are saving poor animal's lives.
Disadvantages: See More
There aren't any!
There we go! 5 good things and 0 bad things :D

on August 20, 2013

Thank you so much, really did help, I saw somewhere that human are actually not programmed to eat meat.
on August 20, 2013
on August 19, 2013
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I posted a question like this and I'll just tell you what the answers to mine said. Ok so there's this stuff called Quorn which is vegetarian meat. Also fruit and vegetables, as we all know, are very good for you. Nuts also contain a lot of protein so you can eat them. Hope this helped!

I have heard of quorn, but I'm not eating it if it is not healthy, is it, or not, they just advertise it on TV, not a lot of health details
on August 20, 2013

If you want proof, ask MYNAMEISNOTCarmen, Kirby, or heredia7. Kirby is most likely to respond...
on August 19, 2013

Wanna know something weird about me? I am a vegan, yet I don't like vegetables. Yeah.....
on August 19, 2013
on August 19, 2013
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You re not too young. I became a vegetarian when I was 3, and it was my own choice. You can totally get all of the protein you need from vegetables, grains, fruits an nuts. I completely support anybody who wants to become a vegetarian, and I think the you should totally become one.
I am a vegan. ;3
I am a vegan. ;3

i know! I'm a vegetarian and 1. I never get cavities (Probably cause i don't like candy) 2. I know know how to ignore people teasing me a bout being vegetarian! Any way, Jafeatherlover is right and it's worth it!
on April 04, 2014

I read somewhere that vegetarians actually are more healthy than people who eat meat.
on August 19, 2013

Thank you so much, it is great to know someone who hasn't eaten meat since three!
But I was just wondering if you do a lot of sports because I do a lot for fun and competitive, and I need to know whether I'll be too slow or weak for any of them.
But I was just wondering if you do a lot of sports because I do a lot for fun and competitive, and I need to know whether I'll be too slow or weak for any of them.
on July 22, 2013
on July 21, 2013
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its great you want to become a vegetarian, but you are a little young, and a lack of meat can make you not get your Peirod, therefore stopping your chances of having children

im 14 now and im perioding well and swell, anyways, ive been vegetarian for two years now, I agree that meat supplies a lot of necessary things our bodies need, but all is good if u replace it with other products, like iron is easily gained from spinach, and protein is gained from pulses :)
on March 25, 2016
on March 17, 2016