What's the big deal about Anime? A lot of you guys on here are crazy for anime. Enlighten me! Why do you like that stuff? It's not bad, but why is it so... well, you probably know what I'm talking about. I just don't get it. Am I missing something?

What's the big deal about Anime? A lot of you guys on here are crazy for anime. Enlighten me! Why do you like that stuff? It's not bad, but why is it so... well, you probably know what I'm talking about. I just don't get it. Am I missing something?

Answers (7)

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Its like a teens version of cartoons :3 its awesome and covers just about any type of genre you can think of but it has its own unique twist!
on February 02, 2015
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I like to watch anime to learn different art styles, and I like the story line. It's different from American cartoons with the logic and things included in it.
And it's just something that's impacted America's culture, so a lot of people have at least watched a commercial of anime.
on February 02, 2015
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If you're like me, I was bored of American T.V so... I watched Japanese T.V!
That's just me. .-.
on February 02, 2015
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It takes me away from the land of reality and depression to every teenagers dream...
Fantasy! :D it's so magical... O.O
on February 02, 2015
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on February 02, 2015
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Anime is good because it educates about other cultures and... wait for it...

on February 02, 2015
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I have no idea. I don't watch anime, but I have to agree with @Taylorthehedgehog, most TV shows nowadays are HORRIBLE! The only cartoons I can manage to watch without feeling horrible about myself is Gravity Falls and Steven Universe.
on October 16, 2015
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