You think One Direction is a good band? You guys actually think One Direction is a good British band? Niggahs, please. Bring Me the Horizon would mop the floor with those faggehts.
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Are you kidding, if 1D and Bring me The Horizon had a battle of the bands, 1D would be sent packing back to england

on May 09, 2013
on May 09, 2013
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i dont like 1D that much. they're kind of like Justin Beiber but a different amount of people.
on May 10, 2013
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What's the big deal with Harry Styles? He's pretty weird looking if you ask me : /
on March 26, 2013
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i vote that each member dies a horrible death along with justin bieber and edward cullen

A better role for Robert Pattinson was when he was Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet if Fire.
A hufflepuff who dies is WAY better than a sparkly vampire!!!
A hufflepuff who dies is WAY better than a sparkly vampire!!!
on July 03, 2013

Edward can live, I really don't care.
I'd call up Buffy to take out Bella though. .-. She irks me.
I'd call up Buffy to take out Bella though. .-. She irks me.
on March 13, 2013
on March 08, 2013
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on April 04, 2015
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I think their songs are good, but I don't really like them much. I hate Harry with a passion.
on February 08, 2014
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Oh no, I think they're awful.
But that's only MY opinion. Doesn't matter that much. :D
But that's only MY opinion. Doesn't matter that much. :D
on November 12, 2013
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don't hit me but they are the best thing that has happened to me and my friends. One Direction Rox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on August 31, 2013
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thats mean BFF.arigrande. plus i dont like seeing people cuss at others unless there is a good reson.
on May 10, 2013
on April 26, 2013