name the scariest creature in any movie or video game? What is the scariest being you have ever seen in a game or movie? and what is it from so i can see it lol
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Skeleton key was creepy...it's not that it's a creature that scares you but the concept...gaaaaaah. That and Alice: Madness Returns. The music scares me haha Or if you want to go with creatures: Gremlins. I was so scared of getting my furby wet when I was little cuz I thought furbys were the new gremlins
on March 15, 2014
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I'd say any Orc from lord of the rings those things are scary to look at though I love that movie lol
on September 06, 2013
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The muttations from The Hunger Games,The Hydra from Percy Jackson & Voldemort in the 1st Harry Potter movie.
on May 20, 2013
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Alma from that game thing you showed me "F.E.A.R." (0_0) Alma....smh is the only thing on this earth that scares the hell outta me (0_0)
on March 08, 2013
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Thats a tough one... i would have to say that little boy from the grudge
on March 08, 2013