What does this dream mean? I was living beneath a large, steep hill covered in dead alfalfa. On top of the hill was the house of a woman that used to be my best friend, but was not anymore. I knew the police/enemies were coming for me to kill me with guns (although I had done nothing wrong) so I ran up the hill, careful to hide under the dead alfalfa. When I reached the top, I entered the old, wooden house and met my old friend. Then, the dream ended.
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It means you have sleep anesia. You need to see a dermatologist because it is caused by having ugly skin.
on April 30, 2013
on December 14, 2011
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on August 10, 2013
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Maybe it's a message from God or your brain or something like that... it might mean an old friend will betray you, so watch closely for those signs that an old friend will betray you for her own desires.
on July 08, 2015
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Something is following you. Whether it is good or bad, dead or alive, physical or psychological is uncertain. You will need something of old beloved to rid of it.
on March 16, 2014
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Idk, but what's alfalfa?
it's a type of grass and most people use it to feed there horses, it's like hay
on December 17, 2013
on August 14, 2013
on August 05, 2013
on July 20, 2013
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I don't find your dream weird,the cause of a wild imagination or the cause of 'sleep amnesia'.(Gandalf if you're going to spell it,spell it right.)I think your dream was interesting.Dreams are a portal to another world.Dreams explore possibilities and do things that in real life may not make sense or be possible.Like once I had a dream (It was a Harry Potter dream) where I was sitting in my living room with Remus Lupin,Sirius Black,Lily Potter,James Potter and baby Harry.Although See More we don't understand dreams they are wonderful portals that help us to grow in life and lead us to places that,in reality,we could never imagine going.
on March 21, 2013
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david drame and asked the same qwstion in the bible and got an answer that he shall never tell of his great dream for it was true and it shall happen in the future so dont tell anyone else for it may be true.
on July 26, 2012
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on July 10, 2012