Have you ever felt betrayed?
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yes, when my friends never spend time with me. :(

on March 14, 2014

aw : (
on March 10, 2013
on January 13, 2013
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yes when one time my best friend ganged up with some other people in my class that were bullying me and started making fun of me and bullying me too and it wasn't just my friend it was the whole class except one boy who acualy kind of stoud up for me from time to time but he moved this year
on April 11, 2014
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Yes. There was a boy in the year below me who asked me out. I said no. A girl told the WHOLE SCHOOL I said yes, and everyone laughed at me for like, three days. I felt better by telling myself that no one would ever ask out them. Even though that's not true.
on February 10, 2014
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yes......my classmate feels like she's the boss of all because she stole all my friends.. until.. the worst came..she stole my trusted friend, who is only left with me is my two best friend boys, and an anime addict friend.....weeks came when my trusted friend started going with my classmate....and they are like... looking at me and started talking bad stuff....then my revenge came, so I got my 2 friends back.. now i have 5 trusted friends.. and I am protecting them from that See More girl... no matter how much she says bad things about us.. I still don't care at least I have my friend...so I discovered, there will always be a good thing when bad things happen. God is always with us even when we are alone, you are not alone... God is always there to help you, go with you when you're alone, guide you and protect you. "Whoever finds a friend, Finds a treasure" :) gosh I'm crying :')
on December 20, 2013
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yup a little while ago when i was in fifth grade( going to 6th) we played soccer aka street soccer and people from my team would switch teams! and gang up on my team! >:) X-(
on June 09, 2013
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Yes...my "friend" tried turning ma bff and I against eachother by lying behind our backs.... :'(
on April 03, 2013