What would you describe as your Dream House? I was wondering hat your guy's dream house is.
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Biiiiig house. Video Game Room. Movie watching room. Log cabin like outside but big. Fireplace. Outdoor pool. Golf course. Kitchen. Bathroom. About 15 Dogs in the dog room. 30 Birds in the bird room. 10 Kittens in the Cat Room. 10089 Fish in the fish room with 400 Fish tanks. Huge blue car. Voice recording studio. My room would be awesome, designed the same as it is now but bigger. Basketball court. Indoor pool. Movie theater. MY OWN PET SHOP IN A HOUSE. Lastly. My main dog. CHIP! See More THE YORKIE!!!!!
on July 30, 2014
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Big house, not a mansion but a more modern one with white and purple furniture and a huge kitchen. I would want a pretty big garden and my car would be a red Volkswagen Beetle. I would want to be in the countryside though and have lots of pets. And of course A VIDEO GAME ROOM! And a room with loads of mlp stuff in for no reason. It would be cool to have a husband and stuff but I know that's never gonna happen.
on October 08, 2013
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I want a nice big house, not a mansion but a really nice one. I can have a pool, a theater, a couple extra bedrooms, big bedrooms, big bathrooms, lovely colors, and a big open room perfect for having dances. I would have a limo and the newest cars plus a kitchen that is always filled with food. But would matter most is that I have a husband that loves me, a couple of happy, well-behaved children, and I would really like this house to be paid for by my famous books. (I really want See More to b an author). How does all that sound?
on September 04, 2013
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Ok, so I want a huge white mansion with an arcade, bowling place, gym and cinema in it. I also want huge bedrooms, all stylish. Also have an indoor and outdoor swimming pool and jacuzzi. Garden with lots of flowers and a huge trampoline and a tennis court. In my dream house there should also be maids. And I want lots of cars which means huge garage. In the garden should also be a barbecue place. And a slide too!
on August 09, 2013
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The same as Keara. I want a small cottage like the one in matilda. Where nobody knows im there, im surounded by wild life and im free to be me.
on May 19, 2013
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Probably one of those old massive farmhouses (I am just reeling off an exact copy of my grandads house, it's amazing) a stream and lake, fields, a tractor, loads of good climbing trees in a beautiful woodland...oh I love visiting there. That is DEFINATELY my dream house
on October 06, 2012
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Probally Something That Looks Like An Enchantment Room Off Minecraft With A Freakin' See-Through Roof And Huge Telascope (An Enchantment Room Has A Bunch Of Book Shelfs With A Black-Blue-And Red Table Called An Enchantment Table. They Have A Magical Book On Them.
on October 05, 2012