I like this one boy but my parents dont wat do i do Ok i been texting my crush for a week thn he finally asked me out but my parents think he is like all the other jerks in this world but hes not he is sweet romantic etc. and we have alot in common and idk how to tell my parents that should i foul my heart are do wat my parents want i need help :/
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Ahh, the typical teenage girl. Boys! Boys! Boys!! It's all about boys isn't it?? Lol, so firstly, congrats that he asked you out. Also, not to burst your bubble, but he might not be like that, thats what everyone says when they first go out with someone, he/shes not like all the others, so i think you should make sure of this before you go out with him. I think, that if he's truly the one for you, then you should go out with him. Spend some time with him, and find out more about See More him. Then, one day tell your parents to sit down because you have something important that you would like to discuss with them. Talk to them about this boy and tell then everything you know. If it is necessary invite your crush over to dinner so that they can meet him for yourselves. If this doesn't work for you, remind your parents that they don't own you, and that you are old enough to make your own decisions. Say this calmly and maturely cause if you shout at them you will seem childish and not old enough to make your own decision

Sorry it was a load of s*** don't listen to 12 year old me.
on February 21, 2014

I honestly have no recollection of writing that omg
on February 21, 2014

on February 21, 2014

Lol at the beginning you sounded so wise :p
on February 15, 2014
on September 10, 2012
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Tell your parents that you should be able to date him, because if he does end up hurting you you will still have your parents. Make a deal with them that if they let you date him and he does hurt you then you will tell them about it and let them be there for you if you get hurt. Most parents want their child to let them in when they're hurting.
on October 29, 2016
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Well, parents know nest. BUT, be careful. He may end up cheating on you. Tell your parents what you feel, ask them to give it a chance.
on October 11, 2015
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You sit them down and pour your heart out to them. The day i brought my boyfriend home my mom didnt like him from the start but they started talking and they had alot in common and she warmed up to him and we have been a couple for a year and some months now and she loves him with all her heart she says she loves him more then me but thats a lie. So you jest sit them down talk to them ask them can you bring him home to meet them let them talk and maybe they will warm up to him.
on May 20, 2014
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tell him to come to your house to meet your parents and see what they think if they like him it's a go, but if not... well you can guess the rest
on October 03, 2013
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you need to find a way to get your parents to meet him and then let them see what they think of him then also tell them this: dont
on January 27, 2013
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ummmmmm well Sneak out orr start a riot (im not helping dont take advice from a ten year old
on September 10, 2012