qfeast i have a good idea can you have reqests for people who want to follow you it will make peoples profiles a safer place

..@CatoandClove ... im confused at your post.
on December 04, 2012

[email protected]
on November 24, 2012

what would the difference be between a "friends" feature and the "conversation" feature we all ready have??
on November 11, 2012

on November 02, 2012

yes tthats what i mean a friends feature that would be cool
on November 02, 2012
on October 31, 2012

... I know you just added Stories, and we all ready have Quizzes and Questions... but what do you think about Debates?? Posted like a question, then it has 2 columns so you can comment in either the "for/like" or "against/dislike" column... maybe that would get too heated... I don't know, just a thought

:D i think that is what i meant :) lol, polls and surveys.. yeah, see i know what i mean but it almost always comes across differently... lol thanks Qfeast, i love how you knew what i was thinking before i did!! Haha
on November 05, 2012

If I am not wrong, I think, Leigh07 is talink about polls or surveys, which will definitively be implemented in qfeast in near future
on October 30, 2012
on October 29, 2012

The next version of Qfeast will include a couple of improvements for the "questions" module. The main feature changes will be:
-you will be able to edit your question without being forced to unpublish it
-better and more colorful design
-you will be able to edit your question without being forced to unpublish it
-better and more colorful design
on October 26, 2012

Hi everyone!
Qfeast has now a very important feature: "Stories", which is up and running!
Qfeast has now a very important feature: "Stories", which is up and running!

I'm loving this so much all ready! I can't wait to finish my story/book thing and see if people like it!! maybe I'll put author on list of side jobs... JK Rowling's Harry Potter series started off of an idea with a pen and a napkin in a coffee shop as she was waitressing!!
on October 29, 2012
on October 24, 2012

Question for a better Qfeast:
Would you prefer to have the option to see only one question per page when viewing quizzes? Right now you need to scroll down the page to view all the page.
Feel free to add any suggestion
Would you prefer to have the option to see only one question per page when viewing quizzes? Right now you need to scroll down the page to view all the page.
Feel free to add any suggestion

i like seeing the whole list at one time, sometimes it goes way slower one question at a time
on November 11, 2012

like where you answer the question and it says: Correct/Incorrect and the little description, then it flashes to the next question??
on October 29, 2012

on October 23, 2012
on October 23, 2012

The "Stories" feature is almost ready! Stay close, just a few more days of testing!
on October 22, 2012

Hello, QFeast. I have a question about the new "Reporting System".. What happens if someone reports something that isn't inapropriate? I mean, we ALL have different opinions on what's apropriate and what's not. I'm gessing the Reporting System was made so we can report the things we find Hate, Sexual Content, and Offensive Language in. But, we all have different opinions..

Each item reported is carefully analyzed:
In case that the reported reason is confirmed, then an action will be taken against the reported item/author.
But in the cases when the reason is too subjective, or there are insufficient arguments, the report is stored (waiting for more reports from others users for that item)
In case that the reported reason is confirmed, then an action will be taken against the reported item/author.
But in the cases when the reason is too subjective, or there are insufficient arguments, the report is stored (waiting for more reports from others users for that item)
on October 21, 2012
on October 21, 2012
Uh… will you ever make an iPod/iPad/iPhone app? Aka iOS qfeast? Because you can't make quizzes on the mobile version… please do! Thanks!

on October 17, 2012
on October 17, 2012

For the moment, we are focusing on improving the quality of the quizzes, as from the statistics and feedback from the users, we found that there are a number of quizzes which are either too short, either too easy or have low quality. Generally speaking the users signed in on their mobile/smartphone devices do not have patience to write good/long enough quizzes, See More so this was the main reason why we blocked the "create quiz" feature on mobile devices. Of course this feature might be unlocked in feature. Qfeast Team.
on October 16, 2012
on October 16, 2012

QUESTION!!: will there be a new ling for stories?? like: "My Home" "Top News" "Quizzes" "Questions" and "Stories" ?? just curious...

You're very close: "Stories" will be positioned right after the "Quizzes" link. Small details: you will be able to "rate", "favorite", "comment" a story. You will be able to add more chapters after you published your story (you must set the story as 'not' completed for this). Also you will be allowed to correct your chapter text after you published the story, See More so no unpublish is need it
on October 14, 2012
on October 13, 2012

I have a suggestion: could you make it so that instead of writing @username, we can actually 'reply' to some one's comment on a quiz or suggestion?? Thank You Qfeast!!

... maybe, [just trying to solve that problem] we could do it where you can only reply to the original comment?? then you would only have a list of single indented replies... maybe, thank you for trying Qfeast!!
on October 13, 2012

We thought about this suggestion, but the biggest inconvenient which determined to not make it, was the fact that every reply needs to be positioned a little to the right, and if there are a lot or replies of replies, then comments (replies) will be so shorter and shorter in width and will look totally unprofessional if there will be 3-5 words per line. We will See More analyze this suggestion more, and we will keep you informed. Thank You, Qfeast team
on October 11, 2012
on October 11, 2012

I am aware several users have this problem. I have a notification saying I have 3 new messages but when I look there is none.

Hi PeetaMellark76 thank you for your information! We are aware of this issue and we will fix it as soon as first update will come!
on October 10, 2012
on October 10, 2012

Hi Guys! Qfeast will have more features soon! The next big releases will include:
1st Drop: Stories. You will be able to create/read Stories on Qfeast!
2nd Drop: Instant notifications for every important event related to your items (e.g. when your quiz was commented, your question was answered and so on)!
3rd Drop: User instant statuses and emoticons, and maybe even chat!
Any suggestion is welcomed!
1st Drop: Stories. You will be able to create/read Stories on Qfeast!
2nd Drop: Instant notifications for every important event related to your items (e.g. when your quiz was commented, your question was answered and so on)!
3rd Drop: User instant statuses and emoticons, and maybe even chat!
Any suggestion is welcomed!
on October 16, 2012

I think they all seem pretty awesome!! I agree with Dedeea, thanks for making qfeast this cool of a website :D I would like stories, and instant notifications on the actualy qfeast site, not going to email would be nice :)
on October 11, 2012

I think Qfeast want to improve this website, to be easier for us to find things that interest us. I appreciate and admire the hard work Qfeast does. I simply love it <3
on October 07, 2012

Not to be mean, but #2 sounds ALOT like Twitter... & #3 is pretty similar to Facebook...
on October 06, 2012
on October 05, 2012

i have a suggestion, can you add a feature which tells you if someone is online and invite them to a chat so you dont have to talk on someones wall? And put a smiley face next to a persons profile pic so we can see if they are online?
on October 05, 2012

I Have A Suggestion Can You Make It To Were We Can Put Those Little Animated Faces Like Happy,Sad,Wow,Scared And Things Like That. Make Happy Face Yellow,Sad Face Blue,Mad Face Red,Scared Face Light Purple, And Wow Face Light Yellow, And Make A Happy Face With A Heart Next To It And Call It Love It Face.

Hi everyone! that's a nice idea and thank you for your suggestion. We have planed to implement a similar functionality, allowing a user to set a status and emoticon
on October 03, 2012
on October 01, 2012

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the reporting system and how much you have done

Thank you to all of you! We are glad that the reporting system has proved to be very efficient and most of the haters stopped annoying other people. The second step, will be to filter the newly content, so we will start to filter / unpublish (to be corrected) the quizzes and questions to make sure that they are well done.
on September 27, 2012
on September 26, 2012

Please report the fake/copied profiles using the reporting system. Thanks everyone
on September 18, 2012

Hi guys, the reporting system is up and running. As some of you already know, there are a bunch of nice features included:
-First of all, the users, images, comments, quizzes, mostly everything will be possible to be reported extreamly easy
-By default only people whom your're following can post & comment on your profile and images. So from now you can keep you profile page as clean as you want without any effort. Remember that this can be easily configured in your "Privacy Settings" See More page.
-New bad language filtering system: No more vulgar or abusive words anymore. The users who tries to cheat the filtering system will be blocked.
-First of all, the users, images, comments, quizzes, mostly everything will be possible to be reported extreamly easy
-By default only people whom your're following can post & comment on your profile and images. So from now you can keep you profile page as clean as you want without any effort. Remember that this can be easily configured in your "Privacy Settings" See More page.
-New bad language filtering system: No more vulgar or abusive words anymore. The users who tries to cheat the filtering system will be blocked.

on September 24, 2012
on September 18, 2012