thx for following me @ShyMusicGirl

on December 17, 2015

on December 17, 2015

Of course, you seemed nice to follow and you actually are nice. ^_^
on December 17, 2015
on December 17, 2015

thx for following me @Mikasa_Ackerman6363 ! U rock!
on December 17, 2015

purplegiraffe added a new chapter to Ways to Say Goodbye
Where is She?
At home, 6:30 pm, Friday, December 4th, 2015
I'm waiting for my mom to come home right now and I'm freaking out a little because she's been gone for almost 2 hours. I still can't believe that she would actually go on a date with someone else. She didn't even ask if that was okay with me! Clearly she's moved on from dad and this new guy is ruining my plan to get my parents back together.
Before my parents got divorced, they were always fighting. I don't even know what they were fighting abou... Read Full Chapter
I'm waiting for my mom to come home right now and I'm freaking out a little because she's been gone for almost 2 hours. I still can't believe that she would actually go on a date with someone else. She didn't even ask if that was okay with me! Clearly she's moved on from dad and this new guy is ruining my plan to get my parents back together.
Before my parents got divorced, they were always fighting. I don't even know what they were fighting abou... Read Full Chapter
on December 17, 2015

OH MY GOD!!! u got it right!! everyone remember to take this awesome quiz by @MagentaHusky!
on December 16, 2015

purplegiraffe added a new chapter to Ways to Say Goodbye
Wait, What?
At home, 5:00 pm, Friday, December 4th, 2015
"Ok, honey, I'm going to dinner tonight with someone from work," said my mom, as I came downstairs. I had just finished my hour long amount of homework, and that's one of my light amounts. "Wait, why didn't you tell me before? What am I supposed to do for dinner?" I asked, confused. "There's a frozen pizza in the downstairs freezer. You can make that," she replied. "Who are you going with?" I asked. "Just somebody from work. He invited me and I co... Read Full Chapter
"Ok, honey, I'm going to dinner tonight with someone from work," said my mom, as I came downstairs. I had just finished my hour long amount of homework, and that's one of my light amounts. "Wait, why didn't you tell me before? What am I supposed to do for dinner?" I asked, confused. "There's a frozen pizza in the downstairs freezer. You can make that," she replied. "Who are you going with?" I asked. "Just somebody from work. He invited me and I co... Read Full Chapter
on December 16, 2015

who here thinks i should change my profile pic? i've had it for a while
on December 16, 2015

Thanks for following me!
on December 16, 2015

purplegiraffe added a new chapter to Ways to Say Goodbye
After school detention, 3:00 pm, Friday, December 4th, 2015
I walked into detention with a scared look my face. I've never been to detention before and I didn't know what it was like.
When I opened the door, I saw Amanda sitting there, bored. "Amanda? What are you doing here?" I asked her. "Oh, ya, I was talking in class, so here I am," she replied. "Oh," I said. "Who were you talking to?" I asked. "Oh I was talking to Jake. He actually sat beside ME today! Can you believe it?!" Amanda said... Read Full Chapter
I walked into detention with a scared look my face. I've never been to detention before and I didn't know what it was like.
When I opened the door, I saw Amanda sitting there, bored. "Amanda? What are you doing here?" I asked her. "Oh, ya, I was talking in class, so here I am," she replied. "Oh," I said. "Who were you talking to?" I asked. "Oh I was talking to Jake. He actually sat beside ME today! Can you believe it?!" Amanda said... Read Full Chapter
on December 16, 2015

purplegiraffe added a new chapter to Ways to Say Goodbye
5th Period Science, 12:20 pm, Friday, December 4th, 2015
"Victoria, you know that you're not supposed to have phones out during class," said Mrs. Peterson. "I'm sorry," I said, looking sheepish. "Well, I 'd like you to read the text message out loud to the class," said my teacher. I froze. This was not happening right now. "Victoria, we're waiting," she said, looking annoyed. "Ok..." I said, as I stood up and walked to the front of the room. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. ... Read Full Chapter
"Victoria, you know that you're not supposed to have phones out during class," said Mrs. Peterson. "I'm sorry," I said, looking sheepish. "Well, I 'd like you to read the text message out loud to the class," said my teacher. I froze. This was not happening right now. "Victoria, we're waiting," she said, looking annoyed. "Ok..." I said, as I stood up and walked to the front of the room. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. ... Read Full Chapter
on December 12, 2015

hi! just made a new chap to my story! i will be making new chaps everyday, so remember to check my wall!
on December 10, 2015

on December 09, 2015

purplegiraffe added a new chapter to Ways to Say Goodbye
5th Period Science, 12:00 pm, Friday, December 4th, 2015
I can't believe that right after Sam and I made up, we got into another fight. I really needed to talk to her in person. I want to invite her over after school today, but I can't text her because I'm in the middle of science class. I need to text her now because I know she has study hall, so it wouldn't matter if her phone went off.
Right now my teacher is handing out a worksheet that we need to do. She just sat down at her desk and i... Read Full Chapter
I can't believe that right after Sam and I made up, we got into another fight. I really needed to talk to her in person. I want to invite her over after school today, but I can't text her because I'm in the middle of science class. I need to text her now because I know she has study hall, so it wouldn't matter if her phone went off.
Right now my teacher is handing out a worksheet that we need to do. She just sat down at her desk and i... Read Full Chapter
on December 09, 2015

purplegiraffe added a new chapter to Ways to Say Goodbye
I Can't Believe It!
4th Period Lunch, 11:25 am, Friday, December 4th, 2015
I couldn't believe what I saw! We've never sat with Taylor! Why is Sam sitting with her?!
"Guys, look! Sam's sitting with Taylor!" I said to my friends. "Wait, what? Isn't Taylor, like, the most popular girl in school?" asked Emily, shocked. "Ya. I can't believe Sam would betray us like that!" said Amanda.
Just then, Jade appeared at our table. "Hey, why's Sam sitting with Taylor?" she asked, confused. "I don't know. But, I'm gonna find... Read Full Chapter
I couldn't believe what I saw! We've never sat with Taylor! Why is Sam sitting with her?!
"Guys, look! Sam's sitting with Taylor!" I said to my friends. "Wait, what? Isn't Taylor, like, the most popular girl in school?" asked Emily, shocked. "Ya. I can't believe Sam would betray us like that!" said Amanda.
Just then, Jade appeared at our table. "Hey, why's Sam sitting with Taylor?" she asked, confused. "I don't know. But, I'm gonna find... Read Full Chapter
on December 09, 2015

purplegiraffe added a new chapter to Ways to Say Goodbye
4th Period Lunch, 11:10 am, Friday, December 4th, 2015
I ran after Sam as fast as I could. She was fast! She's the best runner on track and field. When I turned the corner, she was out of my sight. I ran into Jade on the way. "Whoa, where are you running off to?" she asked. "Oh sorry, I was just chasing after Sam! She got a text and she wouldn't tell me who it was from. Then she just ran away," I said. "Oh, well I just saw her run into the cafeteria. You should go look for her there," said J... Read Full Chapter
I ran after Sam as fast as I could. She was fast! She's the best runner on track and field. When I turned the corner, she was out of my sight. I ran into Jade on the way. "Whoa, where are you running off to?" she asked. "Oh sorry, I was just chasing after Sam! She got a text and she wouldn't tell me who it was from. Then she just ran away," I said. "Oh, well I just saw her run into the cafeteria. You should go look for her there," said J... Read Full Chapter
on December 05, 2015

purplegiraffe added a new chapter to Ways to Say Goodbye
The Text
1st Period Math, 9:00 am, Friday, December 4th, 2015
I can't stop thinking about the fight I had with Sam. She's my best friend and we've never had a fight like this. Sure, we've had little disagreements, but we always made up. I texted her:
Me: We need to talk. Meet me outside my locker at lunch
4th Period Lunch, 11:00 am
Sam didn't reply back to me the whole morning. I was at my locker when I saw her coming down the hall. "Sam! I didn't think you come! Listen, I'm sorry that I didn't com... Read Full Chapter
I can't stop thinking about the fight I had with Sam. She's my best friend and we've never had a fight like this. Sure, we've had little disagreements, but we always made up. I texted her:
Me: We need to talk. Meet me outside my locker at lunch
4th Period Lunch, 11:00 am
Sam didn't reply back to me the whole morning. I was at my locker when I saw her coming down the hall. "Sam! I didn't think you come! Listen, I'm sorry that I didn't com... Read Full Chapter
on December 05, 2015

i finished writing the train station!
on December 05, 2015

purplegiraffe added a new chapter to The Train Station
Author's Note
Hi guys! Hope you all liked my story! Remember to promote it to all your friends on qfeast. Thanks for reading!
-@purplegiraffe? Read Full Chapter
-@purplegiraffe? Read Full Chapter
on December 05, 2015

purplegiraffe added a new chapter to The Train Station
Chapter 12 (the last one)
"John... wake up." John Philip woke up on the couch, Marie standing beside him. "Where am I?" he asked. "You fell asleep on the couch and it looked like you were having a nightmare. I could hear you sleep talking," said Marie. "Really? So it wasn't real..." said John Philip. He told Marie all about his nightmare. "Whoa. That does sound scary," she said. It was getting late, so John Philip and Marie went upstairs to bed. He was so happy that the ghost didn't exist and that none of this actuall...
Read Full Chapter
on December 05, 2015