Happy Birthday @pinkchampagne Here's your present *throws pie*
on August 09, 2015

Qfeast or Facebook?
Qfeast / Facebook. Vote on this poll. Once you vote, the poll results will be displayed
on January 20, 2015

on December 26, 2014

hey hows it going exams have been going on and i havent talked to anyone in a while wassup:)
on December 09, 2014

if u are reading this i have sent u an email containing my school's bazaar next week saturday if u wanna come read the email thanks:)
on October 31, 2014

on October 31, 2014

Angel With A Shotgun - The Cab (Lyric Video)
The Cab - Angel With A Shotgun Lyric Video. I don't own rights to this song.
on September 21, 2014

on September 18, 2014

yay i had no school today and tomorrow cuz they are spraying the school for mosquitoes and such but why couldn't they have at least given us friday off so we can have a long weekend oh well that is how schools are i guess they are like a jail literally
on September 18, 2014

R5 - R5 on R5: The Music
Order the new EP, 'Heart Made Up On You" now! iTunes: http://smarturl.it/r5ep1 Google Play: http://smarturl.it/r5gpep1 Amazon: http://smarturl.it/r5amep1 Str...
on August 31, 2014

Ariana Grande - Just a Little Bit of Your Heart | LIVE iHeartRadio Concert Stream
Ariana Grande performing 'Just a Little Bit of Your Heart' written by Harry Styles from her new album 'My Everything' live on her iHeartRadio concert stream....
on August 28, 2014

all i have to say is why are couples only breaking up these days today i found out that 4 couples broke up what the hell is going on here?!?!?!? oh well that is love that i don't understand

oh ok well idk what to say to that but maybe if they plan a day just for themselves or something to enjoy each others company so they don't feel like they are missing out in each other lives
on August 28, 2014

My friend has a boyfriend but they aren't really able to do much and don't have classes together or anything and I speak to him more than she does
on August 28, 2014

oh no i was talking about celebrities just to clear that up but hey we're human right? we make mistakes
on August 28, 2014

ikr. i don't like online relationships.. except for Kirito+asuna on sao of course
on August 28, 2014
on August 28, 2014

R5 TV - Sacramento!! WCT
on August 18, 2014

The Script - If You Could See Me Now
Music video by The Script performing If You Could See Me Now. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited

this song is so emotional the first time i heard it i literally cried and its good music from The Script
"Music is poetry with personality"-Ross Lynch/R5
"Music is poetry with personality"-Ross Lynch/R5
on August 16, 2014
on August 09, 2014

R5 - Heart Made Up On You (Official Video)
Order the new EP, 'Heart Made Up On You" now! iTunes: http://smarturl.it/r5ep1 Google Play: http://smarturl.it/r5gpep1 Amazon: http://smarturl.it/r5amep1 Str...

i am loving this new music video its a new step for them in their career and its real funny to :D
on August 05, 2014
on August 05, 2014

R5 "Heart Made Up On You" (Teaser 1)
HU Upload Sign in Search Loading... Close Choose your language. Learn more You're viewing YouTube in English (US). You can change this preference below. You're viewing YouTube in English. You can change this preference below. This video is unavailable. R5 "Heart Made Up On You" (Teaser 1) Rosser StarSubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 128 Subscription preferences Loading... Loading... Working... 1,674 35 0 Like Sign in to YouTube Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to like Rosser Star's video. Sign in Sign in to YouTube Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to dislike Rosser Star's video. Sign in About Share Add to Sign in to YouTube Sign in with your Google Accoun
on August 05, 2014

R5 "Heart Made Up On You" (Teaser 3)
No olvides suscribirte y dar LIKE Thank you!
on August 05, 2014

hey meg r u on i want someone to talk to #lonely :)

u dont now good music #CUZ_ITS_THE_END_AND_IM_NOT_AFRAID_IM_NOT_AFRAID_TO_DIE!!!!!!!! :D xDDD
on August 15, 2014

ok meg bvb bores me happy it is just my opinion i am sorry that i said bvb bores me and i am extremely sorry for bothering u it won't happen again
on July 31, 2014

hey all of u people r bothering me now ok. and yes u did say bvb bores u. and they play rock if u cant handle real rock u can go back to the fake thing u listen to.
on July 31, 2014

meg i am talking about the person doing a cover of it and i didn't say say BVB bores me i said the genre of music they play don't they play hard rock or something else i am being honest here meg its just MY OPINION there is no reason to hate my opinion if u don't want me to say what i think then tell me ok? i am ur friend u should tell me what bothers u
on July 31, 2014

on July 31, 2014
on July 31, 2014