The videos of R5!!!
This is about R5 the band i'll give you updates or something and post some pics and videos from the and I also love their album LOUDER you should listen to it.I think it is really cool and upbeat!!!!
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R5 - R5 on R5: The Music
Order the new EP, 'Heart Made Up On You" now! iTunes: Google Play: Amazon: Str...
on August 31, 2014

R5 TV - Sacramento!! WCT
on August 18, 2014

R5 "Heart Made Up On You" (Teaser 3)
No olvides suscribirte y dar LIKE Thank you!
on August 05, 2014

R5 -Heart Made Up on you (snippet)
HU Upload Sign in Search Loading... Close Choose your language. Learn more You're viewing YouTube in English (US). You can change this preference below. You're viewing YouTube in English. You can change this preference below. This video is unavailable. R5 -Heart Made Up on you (snippet) kate boyaramSubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 1 Subscription preferences Loading... Loading... Working... 487 views 11 0 Like Sign in to YouTube Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to like kate boyaram's video. Sign in Sign in to YouTube Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to dislike kate boyaram's video. Sign in About Share Add to Sign in to YouTube Sign in with your Google Acc
on July 16, 2014

Justin Bieber "Love Me" - Rock Version - R5
R5's rock version and music video of Justin Bieber's "Love Me" Download link:
on July 06, 2014

R5 -- #RockthatRock (Official Ring Pop Music Video)
The Official Ring Pop & R5 Rock That Rock Video Premiere
on June 11, 2014

R5 - Pass Me By (Live In London)
R5 - Pass Me By (Live In London) The new album LOUDER featuring "(I Can't) Forget About You" available now at and
on May 31, 2014

Ratliff and Rocky's Dark Horse Dance!
Go behind the scenes at the R5 concert in Oshawa, Ontario! R5's Louder Canadian tour runs from April 2-17, 2014. Buy "Louder" on iTunes @ https://itunes.appl...
on May 11, 2014

R5 - Counting Stars (Live In London) ft. The Vamps
The new album LOUDER featuring "(I Can't) Forget About You" available now at and Twitter -- http://twit...
on May 08, 2014

R5 TV - EPISODE 22 THRILLER!!!! Riker, Rocky, Rydel and Ratliff Performed a Thriller tribute with some of the actual Thriller dancers!
on April 05, 2014

R5 Reveal Perfect Kissing Tips & Hot Turn Ons
R5 Lightning Round ►► For more ClevverTV shows ►► What does it take to win over the hearts of Ross, Riker, Rydel & R...
on March 26, 2014

R5 - (I Can't) Forget About You - Behind the Scenes
Music video by R5 performing (I Can't) Forget About You. (C) 2013 Hollywood Reocrds, Inc. The new album LOUDER featuring "(I Can't) Forget About You" availab...

this is one funny video and i can't believe that Rocky would get a tattoo i mean i know that one of them would gt one someday but i thought it would be riker
on March 05, 2014
on March 05, 2014

R5 is currently on tour right now and i reallly wanna go and see one of their concerts but i can't because of soooooooooooooo many reason like i have school and where i am from i wouldn't be able to go and more uuuggggghhhhhh I REALLY WANNA GO TO SEE R5 IN CONCERT BUT LOOKS LIKE I WILL HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE RIGHT TIME :)
on February 15, 2014

R5 - (I Can't) Forget About You (Official Video)
Music video by R5 performing (I Can't) Forget About You. (C) 2013 Hollywood Reocrds, Inc. The new album LOUDER featuring "(I Can't) Forget About You" availab...

yeah that was my plan all along 4 u to not forget this song and others mwhahahahahhaha:D
on January 31, 2014

on January 26, 2014
on January 26, 2014

Hello people i am soooooo excited to hear R5's new album but i don't know when it is coming out but i really want to listen to their new music if u ask my friends about me and my liking to R5 they will tell you but i am not crazed or obsessed with them i just love their music they ridiculously funny and creative:):):)
on January 26, 2014

If there is anyone out there who loves R5 like me or heard of them please join the page it has videos of them doing funny things and they have another album on the way if u want more info on them go on my page that says I Love this Band
on January 11, 2014

John Newman - Love Me Again (Cover by R5)
R5 covering John Newman's "Love Me Again" Twitter -- Instagram -- Facebook -- http://facebook.c...
on December 31, 2013

Hey I just wanna say Happy Birthday to Ross Lynch of R5 he is 18 now and have a great b day and if u guys want anymore news just send me a message ok bye love u all:)
on December 29, 2013

R5 - Here Comes Forever (Lyric Video)

this is a video that someone made on youtube and it is really good it has some parts from movies to fit the song which is really creative :) :)
on December 29, 2013
on December 29, 2013

The 1975 - Girls (Cover by R5)
R5 covering The 1975's "Girls" Twitter -- Instagram -- Facebook --
on December 19, 2013