peachytea - Page 15

Hi, I used this site years ago (2014-2021) and ultimately decided to come back due to nostalgia. I go by Bea now and I'm currently 20. I do music now.

Pm for contact info. 🍒
I've decided to do a life update before I abandon this place. Might do a life update every few months, probably won't though. ?

- Started doing online classes again, getting my diplomas and whatnot later on in the year. Thinking about going to college in a different state or a different country? Probably won't but heavily considering it. I have no idea what the fuсk to do.

- I've been eating healthier and I'm in recovery from a lot of issues. I'm trying to get better day by See More

- I've tried to have contact with my biological family but it's lowkey obvious they don't want anything to do with me, which I'm starting to accept and be okay with.

- I consider myself to be a centrist but I don't care much for politics anyway. As an adult I've come to realize that I'm just a bisexual woman who prefers other women? I had a harsh awakening See More
on June 26, 2023
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on June 26, 2023
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Wow, I never thought I'd actually be here again. I'm not going to reach out to anyone for obvious reasons. I used this site often between the years 2014 - 2020/2021. I have a lot of great memories here and a lot of bad memories as well, although the bad memories outweigh the good. The thing I remember most is the drama, death threats/constant harassment, grooming, and being doxxed from this site. So yeah, not a lot of good memories came from this website and I'm sure things that See More
Can't believe I've been active again for a year already wow.
on June 20, 2024
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Damn, I wish I could pin this.
on December 03, 2023
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on June 20, 2023
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