Oc skits and stuff
Every time I have a skit with my ocs I'll put it here so that y'all don't get spammed on my homepage. Warning: they will probably be cringey af. If anyone else wants they can also add skits of their own, I don't mind.
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

*scratch recording a voicemail*
Sy: oooo what are you doing-
Scratch: I’m not ava- qwq recording a voice mail-
Sy:OOO can I be in it
Scratch:QWQ you already are-
Sy: oooo what are you doing-
Scratch: I’m not ava- qwq recording a voice mail-
Sy:OOO can I be in it
Scratch:QWQ you already are-

on August 02, 2022
on August 02, 2022

~oc preferences part 7~
"Who do you hate the most?"
Levi: probably seven-
Levi: joking joking-
Mari: rain-
Lichen: yeah rain- See More
Rain: =3= hate you too ?
Nightmare: =_= Scratch
All: What?! OWO
Nightmare: he's annoying
"Who do you hate the most?"
Levi: probably seven-
Levi: joking joking-
Mari: rain-
Lichen: yeah rain- See More
Rain: =3= hate you too ?
Nightmare: =_= Scratch
All: What?! OWO
Nightmare: he's annoying
on July 24, 2022

Tom: i dont like boobs
Willow: i do
Tom: w h a t
Willow: i do
Tom: w h a t
on July 24, 2022

~oc preferences part 6~
"What is your preference on Mari?"
Seven: UwU the best, makes brownies
Levi: U3U superior in every way
Rain: I hate her but she's okay.
Nightmare: =w= why am I here again-
Lichen: QMQ- I see who's the favourite- See More
Mari: awww I'm sure they love you too ^^
Rain: no.
"What is your preference on Mari?"
Seven: UwU the best, makes brownies
Levi: U3U superior in every way
Rain: I hate her but she's okay.
Nightmare: =w= why am I here again-
Lichen: QMQ- I see who's the favourite- See More
Mari: awww I'm sure they love you too ^^
Rain: no.
on July 24, 2022

~oc preferences part 5~
"What is your opinion on lichen?"
Seven: uwu awesome- kinda old
Levi: old
Mari: handsome
Rain: old
Nightmare: someone. See More
Lichen: QMQ ouch-
"What is your opinion on lichen?"
Seven: uwu awesome- kinda old
Levi: old
Mari: handsome
Rain: old
Nightmare: someone. See More
Lichen: QMQ ouch-
on July 24, 2022

~oc preferences part 4~
"What is better. Coffee, energy drinks, or tea?"
Mari: coffee and tea
Lichen: C O F F E E
seven: uwu energy drinks
Rain: blood
Nightmare: none of the above. See More
Levi: UWU energy drinks
"What is better. Coffee, energy drinks, or tea?"
Mari: coffee and tea
Lichen: C O F F E E
seven: uwu energy drinks
Rain: blood
Nightmare: none of the above. See More
Levi: UWU energy drinks
on July 24, 2022

~oc preferences part 3~
"Which gender in your opinion is hotter?"
Lichen: men- but Mari tho-
Rain: men. Period.
Mari: u3u men and women, but mostly men
Nightmare: Rain.
Levi: women 10000000% UMU See More
Seven: women- I like men but- boobs tho
"Which gender in your opinion is hotter?"
Lichen: men- but Mari tho-
Rain: men. Period.
Mari: u3u men and women, but mostly men
Nightmare: Rain.
Levi: women 10000000% UMU See More
Seven: women- I like men but- boobs tho

on July 24, 2022
on July 24, 2022

Mom friend: How many kids do you have?
Willow: 3. But i have to include my husband,my kids friends so like...30
Mom friend: What the hell-
Willow: 3. But i have to include my husband,my kids friends so like...30
Mom friend: What the hell-

on July 24, 2022

One of them found lichens naked Mari pic stash-
Mari tried to stop lichen from killing him, until she realised what happened.
Then she totally let him kill the dude.
She was also kinda mad at lichen too for that @somethinggay
Mari tried to stop lichen from killing him, until she realised what happened.
Then she totally let him kill the dude.
She was also kinda mad at lichen too for that @somethinggay
on July 24, 2022
on July 24, 2022

"Breast or thighs*
Rain: dick
"Sir-? Maam-? this is a butcher shop-"
Rain: dick
"Sir-? Maam-? this is a butcher shop-"
on July 24, 2022

~oc preferences part 2~
"Pineapple on pizza"
Lichen: no-
Mari: yes uwu
Sev: u3u yes
Rain: fucck no
Levi: sure See More
Nightmare: eh. No.
"Pineapple on pizza"
Lichen: no-
Mari: yes uwu
Sev: u3u yes
Rain: fucck no
Levi: sure See More
Nightmare: eh. No.
on July 24, 2022

~oc preferences part 1~
"Boobs/chest butts or thighs"
Lichen: yes
Seven: UmU boobs
Rain: U3U chest/thighs
Nightmare: I don't care
Mari: :3 all of the above See More
Levi: UMU DEM TITTIESSSSS- and ass ofc too-
"Boobs/chest butts or thighs"
Lichen: yes
Seven: UmU boobs
Rain: U3U chest/thighs
Nightmare: I don't care
Mari: :3 all of the above See More
Levi: UMU DEM TITTIESSSSS- and ass ofc too-

That sounds more like what Rain would say-
He Supa gay
And a femboy @somethinggay
Also the devil
That sounds more like what Rain would say-
He Supa gay
And a femboy @somethinggay
Also the devil
on July 24, 2022
on July 24, 2022

Horny jail
*walks up to nightmare* =3= over 3 charges- what do you have to say for yourself
Nightmare: I’m not talking-
Me: alright then- *goes to sy* really syrus a maid dress-
Syrus: UmU rain dared him too- I was just fulfilling my job as a husband-
Me: mhm- *goes to lichen* alright what have you do- JESUS CHRIST-
lichen: =////////= innocent til proven guilty-
*walks up to nightmare* =3= over 3 charges- what do you have to say for yourself
Nightmare: I’m not talking-
Me: alright then- *goes to sy* really syrus a maid dress-
Syrus: UmU rain dared him too- I was just fulfilling my job as a husband-
Me: mhm- *goes to lichen* alright what have you do- JESUS CHRIST-
lichen: =////////= innocent til proven guilty-

Lichen going to horny jail til the end of time
Let's not even mention kage and ajax-
Lichen going to horny jail til the end of time
Let's not even mention kage and ajax-
on July 06, 2022
on July 06, 2022

Me: how many rains have you killed
Masozi: yes-
Masozi: yes-
on June 26, 2022

(Inspired by a tiktok sound)
*them arguing about who is gonna defeat the current bad guys*
Lichen: =3= I'm killing them
Rain: =W= no i am-
Scratch: listen, your both too valuable to risk- it should be someone expendable.
Lichen: owo are you volunteering-
Scratch: what? No- that's hurtful. I mean sev See More
*sev casually walking in eating some brownies* hey guys what's up uwu
Lichen: =_=- sacrifice the child
*them arguing about who is gonna defeat the current bad guys*
Lichen: =3= I'm killing them
Rain: =W= no i am-
Scratch: listen, your both too valuable to risk- it should be someone expendable.
Lichen: owo are you volunteering-
Scratch: what? No- that's hurtful. I mean sev See More
*sev casually walking in eating some brownies* hey guys what's up uwu
Lichen: =_=- sacrifice the child
on June 24, 2022

When your indebted to the ocs
Fredrick: be his makeup mannequin
Scratch: help him research
Joshua: pay him
Syrus: make jam with him
Ollie: give him candy
Mari: get her ingredients See More
Rain: give him your kidneys and let him perform brain surgery that you potentially might not live through- oh and your kidneys are going on the black market and your not getting the money from it
Fredrick: be his makeup mannequin
Scratch: help him research
Joshua: pay him
Syrus: make jam with him
Ollie: give him candy
Mari: get her ingredients See More
Rain: give him your kidneys and let him perform brain surgery that you potentially might not live through- oh and your kidneys are going on the black market and your not getting the money from it
on June 24, 2022

*lichen in court*
Rain: u3u ladies and gentlemen of the jury-
Rain: this man should go to hell for a number of reasons.
Lichen:=w=- which are?
Rain: you piss my off,your ugly,you woke me up, you wouldn’t let me blow Sev up,scratch is traumatized,you have 10 kids at least-
Lichen: so yes I technically did all those things- but how are those sins-
Rain: because I said so- *bangs gavel* GUILTY- See More
Scratch: rain you can’t take the judges gavel-
Rain: u3u ladies and gentlemen of the jury-
Rain: this man should go to hell for a number of reasons.
Lichen:=w=- which are?
Rain: you piss my off,your ugly,you woke me up, you wouldn’t let me blow Sev up,scratch is traumatized,you have 10 kids at least-
Lichen: so yes I technically did all those things- but how are those sins-
Rain: because I said so- *bangs gavel* GUILTY- See More
Scratch: rain you can’t take the judges gavel-
on June 17, 2022

Oc pride parade pt2
Fredrick: where the hell are my makeup brushes- and my matches-
August: QmQ Fredrick calm down- and no drinking or blowing things up-
Fredrick: your no fun =3=
Rain: =W= who in the actual fuckk ordered black and white balloons-
Azazel: what is this the hetero parade-
Scratch: QMQ- well get new ones- See More
Crimson: i killed another one-
Ollie: feed it to myr.
Scratch: guys were 20 minutes behind schedule-
Ollie: :D OO CANDY-
Scratch: qmq… i dont get payed enough-
Fredrick: where the hell are my makeup brushes- and my matches-
August: QmQ Fredrick calm down- and no drinking or blowing things up-
Fredrick: your no fun =3=
Rain: =W= who in the actual fuckk ordered black and white balloons-
Azazel: what is this the hetero parade-
Scratch: QMQ- well get new ones- See More
Crimson: i killed another one-
Ollie: feed it to myr.
Scratch: guys were 20 minutes behind schedule-
Ollie: :D OO CANDY-
Scratch: qmq… i dont get payed enough-
on June 03, 2022

If our ocs made a pride parade
Organizer: scratch
Decorators: azazel,rain
Makeup artists: Ollie ,Fredrick, Tobais
In charge of kicking homophobic asshole asses: nightmare, crimson, nex.
Fredrick restrainer: august.
Cleanup crew: all the husbands-
Organizer: scratch
Decorators: azazel,rain
Makeup artists: Ollie ,Fredrick, Tobais
In charge of kicking homophobic asshole asses: nightmare, crimson, nex.
Fredrick restrainer: august.
Cleanup crew: all the husbands-
on June 03, 2022

Soren: i forbid you from saying the s word
Vyn: qwq shit?
Soren: no sorry
Vyn:QWQ but-
Soren: and the b word
Vyn: qmq so your taking away my entire vocabulary
Soren: u.u yes
Vyn: qwq shit?
Soren: no sorry
Vyn:QWQ but-
Soren: and the b word
Vyn: qmq so your taking away my entire vocabulary
Soren: u.u yes
on May 22, 2022

Scratch: i dont have anything to live for
Syrus,jamie, lance,kaidan,iris,rain, the fate of the universe:ARE WE A JOKE TO YOU-
Syrus,jamie, lance,kaidan,iris,rain, the fate of the universe:ARE WE A JOKE TO YOU-
on May 20, 2022