Little "Me" Moments
This page is for those funny little things that you do. Things you can write include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) Awkward moments. 2) Little kid stories. 3) Sibling stories. 4) Funny habits. 5) Your quotes. RULES: 1) No swearing/inappropriate language! If I see that I'll block+report you! 2) Please only post stories about yourself; do not post about other people (unless they're involved in the story) . 3) No hating! 4) Please at least try to use correct spelling and grammar in your posts.
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I dog-sit for our neighbors a lot! Once they were on a vacation, and I went to go let the dogs out for the last time. When I am over there, I ain't because I don't think that anyone will be able to hear me. I called for the dogs and let them out, singing(FRIENDS by Anne-Marie and Marshmello) and the owner, wrapped in a towel with wet hair, came down the stairs! I stopped singing and said "Oh! Your home!" She was like " Yeah. We got home early. " I awkwardly left the house, hoping See More she didn't hear me singing.
on September 07, 2019

I was sitting at lunch with Matthew and while he was talking to Karmen, I put my peanut butter sandwich in his hood. He didn't notice until 6th period! XD
on January 20, 2016
on January 20, 2016

on January 20, 2016

If you can't blow them away with your brilliance, baffle them with your bull! -Me
on January 20, 2016

This morning my dad was driving me and my thirteen year old sister to school, and my dad and I were talking about jellyfish in the ocean, and my sister said "jellyfish are from the ocean?" And I said "yeah, where did you think they were from?" She replied "in aquariums." Haha it was so funny!
on January 20, 2016

When I was little I scared my big brother and he quickly ran straight but tripped on the coffee table, head budded the TV ( flat screen) fell on his back and the TV tipped over and fell on his stomach...I laughed so hard!!!!! ?? it happened so fast!!!! XD
on December 09, 2015

When I was in kindergarten, I got my friend Lily and I stranded by the creek. It had to be one of the best things that ever happened to me. WE SAW A BEAVER.
on December 09, 2015

When I was 5, I went fishing on a raft with my grandpa, and when he was rowing it, he turned around and Knocked me into the water...
on December 09, 2015

Once, I put a sandwich on Matthew's chair. It was hilarious.
on December 09, 2015

When I was little, when I had the hiccups, I'd think of something bouncing in my tummy. :3
on December 09, 2015

When me and my cousin tried to hold hands while riding bikes at the same time. At first it worked but right as I grabbed her hand I fell off my bike and before I could fall facedown into gravel I grabbed the back of her bike while she was still riding and i was dragged halfway across the ground only my legs dragging behind me. Than not paying attention my cousin crashed into the side of the house and the bike fell on both of us. XD it was so funny and it really hurt too.
on September 07, 2019
on December 08, 2015

I used to say hippy-up instead of hiccup and hopper-copper instead of helicopter.
on January 20, 2016
on January 20, 2016

on December 08, 2015

Oh my god. That is so freaking adorable. Seriously. Can... can- can I... can I... have toddler you? P-please?:((
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

This happened when I was 2 1/2 and my sister was about a month old. My mother still was a bit "plump" or "doughy", as she had had a C-section for my sister and her stomach was not completely back to normal yet.
Here's the situation: My sister was down for a nap, my dad was at work, and my mom and I were awake. I said something mean to her that caused her to tell me to go to my room. For some reason, I decided to run from her and have her chase me around the house. Now, as I previously See More mentioned, my mother's stomach had not returned to normal yet, so she wasn't really able to lean down to grab me. Therefore, when she attempted to catch me, she tripped, and bruised her breast.
Here's the situation: My sister was down for a nap, my dad was at work, and my mom and I were awake. I said something mean to her that caused her to tell me to go to my room. For some reason, I decided to run from her and have her chase me around the house. Now, as I previously See More mentioned, my mother's stomach had not returned to normal yet, so she wasn't really able to lean down to grab me. Therefore, when she attempted to catch me, she tripped, and bruised her breast.
on December 08, 2015