Qfeast Hunger Games
The first official Qfeast Hunger Games. The Oreo Aliens have become fed up with the total boringness of the lives of Qfeasters, so they demanded that - in the fashion of one of Qfeast's many fandoms - people be sorted into Districts and Reaped for a fight to the death. May the odds be ever in your favor.
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Yeah... I'm making one of my own, heres the link: https://www.qfeast.com/page/JCMjxQ/Qfeast-Hunger-Games-1

Qfeast Hunger Games (1)
Ok... I am going to try to do this. The last time this happened, I joined a Games... But the page died. This one won't. This time I will be ...

You could've just revived this page. And yes, it is wrong to outright copy someone else's idea without their permission.
on March 20, 2016

Because you weren't doing it? I really wanted to play but the page died so I decided to do my own. Play, or don't, I don't care, but I only stole your idea, as you put it, because I wanted to do this so bad. Think. I tried so hard to get people to join so that this game could happen. Sadly, it started, and everyone agreed the page was dead. I still wanted to See More do it, so I did my own. Is that so wrong?
on March 20, 2016

Please delete that page. This was my idea, and you are outright stealing it.
on March 18, 2016

And that's even better. :/
on March 18, 2016

I didnt really ask permission... Whatever
on March 18, 2016
on March 17, 2016

When will this page be revived? I could make one of my own... If this one is over

I don't know. It's kind of hard to manage since most of these people are never on, especially not at the same time. And no, please don't make one of your own.
on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016

This page is dead! ;~;
on March 11, 2016

*tries to revive page*
Sadly, nothing can continue until all of the Districts have completed their train rides because I am a complete and total perfectionist.
Sadly, nothing can continue until all of the Districts have completed their train rides because I am a complete and total perfectionist.

Oh and I'm either a perfectionist who will kill to perfect or just the 100% "Screw it" person
on March 09, 2016
on March 05, 2016

This page. It died. *^*
on March 05, 2016

When do the games start?

on March 04, 2016
on March 04, 2016

District 11 Train Ride!
on March 04, 2016
(Question...remember how in the last Hunger Games, both members from the same district won? Will that be possible in this one?)
on March 05, 2016
on March 04, 2016

District 4 train?

@Kindess_Wins Well, I'm not sure if I should do the rp. Plus, everyone can't be on at the exact same time. And I'm sure @AlliceTeea will respond soon, just be patient.
on March 04, 2016

@AlliceTeea isn't responding, what do I do? And you guys aren't doing your rp either.
on March 04, 2016
on March 04, 2016

Train ride..?
Train ride..?

The design specifically. Usually, glass isn't crystallized in a way you can't see easily.
on March 04, 2016
on March 04, 2016

Hi! Hello?! I dunno what to do exactly . . . XD

XD Yup. Can you comment on and subscribe to the post that Rose made on this page, please?
on March 04, 2016
on March 04, 2016

(@Lightstriker195 and @Warrior_Fangirl)
(@Lightstriker195 and @Warrior_Fangirl)

Yeah, same here. My brother will probably have to get by without me though. I say this because somebodys last thoughts, should be of home.
on March 04, 2016

on March 04, 2016
on March 04, 2016

(@PiperMcLean4 and @Goldmoon)
(@PiperMcLean4 and @Goldmoon)

on March 04, 2016

Okie! Angela, you still there? Please still be there. I want to get this started.
on March 04, 2016
on March 03, 2016

Okay. So I'm going to start the train rides; where the tributes meet their mentors. Each RP will be separated by District. Comment on this if you're online and were Reaped.
on March 04, 2016
on March 03, 2016

I hope you all to rest in peace of your death, and I'm very sorry if I killed you.
on March 03, 2016

A list of all of the tributes and their Districts.
1 - @Lightstriker195 and @Warrior_Fangirl
2 - @StridersGonnaStride and @Electpurr_the_electric_cat
3 - @EveryonesSenpai and @XxusernamexX
4 - @Mooncloud16 and @Dungeon_Master
5 - @DaNerdBird and @Nephrite See More
6 - @TwiliTwili and @Batman22Owl
7 - @Redik and @Sa55ygirl
8 - @ShyFangirl and @Protectress_The_Wolfhumanlover_RealmProtector
9 - @PiperMcLean4 and @Goldmoon
10 - @Calista_Soul_Fairy and @IGotA.R.M.Y
11 - @AlliceTeea and @Kindness_Wins
12 - @Rose_the_hedgehog and @NekoMusicLover
A list of all of the tributes and their Districts.
1 - @Lightstriker195 and @Warrior_Fangirl
2 - @StridersGonnaStride and @Electpurr_the_electric_cat
3 - @EveryonesSenpai and @XxusernamexX
4 - @Mooncloud16 and @Dungeon_Master
5 - @DaNerdBird and @Nephrite See More
6 - @TwiliTwili and @Batman22Owl
7 - @Redik and @Sa55ygirl
8 - @ShyFangirl and @Protectress_The_Wolfhumanlover_RealmProtector
9 - @PiperMcLean4 and @Goldmoon
10 - @Calista_Soul_Fairy and @IGotA.R.M.Y
11 - @AlliceTeea and @Kindness_Wins
12 - @Rose_the_hedgehog and @NekoMusicLover
on March 04, 2016
on March 04, 2016

VIOLENTLY FANBOYING OVER THE THOUGHT OF SWORDS. I like the creative designs, not so much the killing
on March 04, 2016
on March 03, 2016

May the odds be ever in your favor!
on March 03, 2016

If you are online and have been assigned a District, comment below and subscribe to the comments. The Reaping has begun.
If you are online and have been assigned a District, comment below and subscribe to the comments. The Reaping has begun.

Hey guys, you realize that theres another post on here we can fester on, right? *migrates party to other post
on March 03, 2016
on March 03, 2016
on March 03, 2016