Truth or dare (1)
Request member to play must do all dares and awenser questions or ur out 15 spots only

I am ready.
on August 08, 2015

I am ready
on July 31, 2015

I'm ready
on July 30, 2015

I am ready.

Ermergherd. How could you ask me, as their queen, to do such a thing?
Stay still, Potato Civilian, it'll be over soon. *Kills*
Stay still, Potato Civilian, it'll be over soon. *Kills*
on July 30, 2015
on July 30, 2015

9 spots
on July 30, 2015

ask or dare me something
on July 30, 2015

Dare me anything!

on July 30, 2015
on July 30, 2015

Ask or dare me anything

I dare you to jump up on the next stranger you walk by and say "I want a piggie back ride!"
on July 30, 2015
on July 30, 2015