Roleplayer Issues
Just list problems you had while roleplaying and see if others can relate.
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When you have an idea and the other person doesn't like it but no one has ideas on how to continue
When the other character falls for your character and it was never a romance rp to begin with(sometimes it's ok but other times it bothers me, like, if it's OC/OC it's ok but when it's canon character/OC it bothers me)
When the other person doesn't want to continue, so they kill themselves in the rp(this has happened so many times smh)
When the other person's character is way too See More strong
When the other character falls for your character and it was never a romance rp to begin with(sometimes it's ok but other times it bothers me, like, if it's OC/OC it's ok but when it's canon character/OC it bothers me)
When the other person doesn't want to continue, so they kill themselves in the rp(this has happened so many times smh)
When the other person's character is way too See More strong
on February 15, 2017

on February 15, 2017

-When their OC is "More powerful, more beautiful, more sly, ext" then yours
-When they do something to harm your OC even though you were trying to joke around fight, like your OC is powerful but they held back because they didn't want to actually hurt anyone, and they take advantage of that and goes "*stabs your OCs eyes* *shoots their leg* *stabs their stomach*" and more
-When you say that your character has a special and rare ability and they say that their OC does to out of See More the blue but theirs is more powerful
-Illiterate idiots
-When they don't reply in months then finally say "It's your turn" but you already went and it was actually their turn the whole time
-When they try to kill your OC
-When they actually kill your OC
-When they act like their OC is the god of the world and can beat anyone and anything
-When you have something special and they try to do something to break it/steal it
-When they call your OC a Mary Sue when theirs is much more MS then yours
-When you notice that their OC is slowly becoming just like yours
-When they force you to play every canon character while they do their OCs
-When it turns very sexual
-When they do the canon characters but they made them OOC
-When they do the canon characters but the characters fall in love with their OC and your just there like "Oh"
-When they don't make your OCs meet. (ext: You: *looking around, enjoying the view* Them: *is walking away* You: *notices them and tries to call them out, believing that they are your friend from high school* Them: *walks away more* You: *continues to try to get their attention* Them: *turns a corner*)
-When they add random things about their OC later on
-When they have powers is okay, but when they have these powers and when they use them, they don't get even slightly affected is when I draw the line
-When they have magic, and you do to, but you made it clear that you practice an arrangement of magic but that makes ever category not as strong, and they said that they only did a certain magic which means that they are strong in that. And then later on in the fight they either
A) Apparently have more magic that's not what they studied
B) Beat your character in one hit
-When your character is stronger then theirs but theirs beats yours because they use the "*dodges every fruking hit they give, and then quickly and silently jumps behind them and stabs their back, through their heart.*" bullshit
-When your character gets controlled by them
-When they don't know when to stop with certain things
-When you say "Hey I have to do" in a group RP and then they continue without you
-When they do something to harm your OC even though you were trying to joke around fight, like your OC is powerful but they held back because they didn't want to actually hurt anyone, and they take advantage of that and goes "*stabs your OCs eyes* *shoots their leg* *stabs their stomach*" and more
-When you say that your character has a special and rare ability and they say that their OC does to out of See More the blue but theirs is more powerful
-Illiterate idiots
-When they don't reply in months then finally say "It's your turn" but you already went and it was actually their turn the whole time
-When they try to kill your OC
-When they actually kill your OC
-When they act like their OC is the god of the world and can beat anyone and anything
-When you have something special and they try to do something to break it/steal it
-When they call your OC a Mary Sue when theirs is much more MS then yours
-When you notice that their OC is slowly becoming just like yours
-When they force you to play every canon character while they do their OCs
-When it turns very sexual
-When they do the canon characters but they made them OOC
-When they do the canon characters but the characters fall in love with their OC and your just there like "Oh"
-When they don't make your OCs meet. (ext: You: *looking around, enjoying the view* Them: *is walking away* You: *notices them and tries to call them out, believing that they are your friend from high school* Them: *walks away more* You: *continues to try to get their attention* Them: *turns a corner*)
-When they add random things about their OC later on
-When they have powers is okay, but when they have these powers and when they use them, they don't get even slightly affected is when I draw the line
-When they have magic, and you do to, but you made it clear that you practice an arrangement of magic but that makes ever category not as strong, and they said that they only did a certain magic which means that they are strong in that. And then later on in the fight they either
A) Apparently have more magic that's not what they studied
B) Beat your character in one hit
-When your character is stronger then theirs but theirs beats yours because they use the "*dodges every fruking hit they give, and then quickly and silently jumps behind them and stabs their back, through their heart.*" bullshit
-When your character gets controlled by them
-When they don't know when to stop with certain things
-When you say "Hey I have to do" in a group RP and then they continue without you
on February 15, 2017

on February 15, 2017
on February 15, 2017

People who don't understand that they have to win some, and lose some. They can't win everything, and they can't control the plot. Some characters are stronger, smarter, or more physically able than others, and when they are like, *dodges attack and strikes back, hitting you*, it bugs the shit out of me. I really hate people who do that in roleplay.
Especially when they know they're weaker, but they want to win because they just don't want to lose. I REALLY hate it, and when I See More ro with those people, if they give me shit like that, I'm going to do the same to them.
Especially when they know they're weaker, but they want to win because they just don't want to lose. I REALLY hate it, and when I See More ro with those people, if they give me shit like that, I'm going to do the same to them.
on February 14, 2017

When your Roleplaying and doing something, and then they're like "no stop.." It's so awkward!!
on February 14, 2017

When you like a fandom that everyone is horrified of and doesn't wanna Roleplay, ex: Salad Fingers
on February 14, 2017

Just those awkward moments when you have absolutely no idea how to respond and if it's a three way you're just hoping the other person takes one for the team.
on February 14, 2017

My character: She walked along the dirt road, looking at the spectacular view around her. The trees were alive with animals and the smells of the forest were almost sickening. Her short hair tickled her neck when she looked up at the sky, enjoying the blue sky.
Their character: Is walking
My character: She walked along the dirt road, looking at the spectacular view around her. The trees were alive with animals and the smells of the forest were almost sickening. Her short hair tickled her neck when she looked up at the sky, enjoying the blue sky.
Their character: Is walking
on February 14, 2017

The other person doesn't respond for a WHILE
I get it, you gotta go somewhere or you'll brb, but please, PLEASE say you gotta leave. I'd rather not wait a hour or two for your reply.
I get it, you gotta go somewhere or you'll brb, but please, PLEASE say you gotta leave. I'd rather not wait a hour or two for your reply.
on February 14, 2017