Things ur banned from now and when you were a kid!
So we all have things we're Banned from when were kids and even now From Example: I am banned from using ✂ reason why when I was little I gave myself a hair cut. =/ yeah it didn't turn out so well XD. second thing in banned from is ?'s Yeah dont ask.Third thing Headphone cord's and charges reason I bite them XD idk why but I do!XD X3well hope you enjoy this!
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One of my friends was banned from Gravity Falls for religious reasons.
on July 07, 2016


I lost my first phone.....I don't pay attention to boring things
She gave my a old fashioned phone
She gave my a old fashioned phone
on February 28, 2015
on February 28, 2015

Guns, and its not a bad reason either its actually quite funny XD

I keep losing any type of gun she gets me, ive had five and im still searching for them XD
on February 28, 2015
on February 28, 2015

on February 28, 2015

Marbles. my little brother ate one when he was 7 so now no one is allowed to have any. :P
on February 12, 2015

Biting things...just like the covers, TV remotes, pillows, and dad scolds me for that. X3
on February 12, 2015

I am currently banned from the following:
Going on a trampoline (Forever)
Ice skating (Forever)
Skiing (Forever)
Having fizzy drinks (For 14 months)
Eating very sugary sweets (For 14 months)
Chewing gum (For 14 months) See More
Ibuprofen (Forever)
Trampoline, ice skating, skiing: My surgeon has forbidden these activities from me forever now. Trampolining because it has HIGH spinal impact, and the other 2 because if I fall, I'll hurt my back, and I'll have to have my surgery again.
Fizzy drinks, sugary sweets, chewing gum: I can't have these while wearing braces. The acid from them will damage my teeth permanently, and it's SOOOOO VERY HARD to not have them!! Especially fizzy drinks :( I miss the sweet taste of Coca Cola :((
Ibuprofen: I've not been allowed these since my surgery. Something out affecting the rods and spines, I think it was... So I can only have paracetamol, and IT'S NOT MUCH HELP FOR HURTING BRACES THE DAY AFTER THEY'RE TIGHTENED!
Going on a trampoline (Forever)
Ice skating (Forever)
Skiing (Forever)
Having fizzy drinks (For 14 months)
Eating very sugary sweets (For 14 months)
Chewing gum (For 14 months) See More
Ibuprofen (Forever)
Trampoline, ice skating, skiing: My surgeon has forbidden these activities from me forever now. Trampolining because it has HIGH spinal impact, and the other 2 because if I fall, I'll hurt my back, and I'll have to have my surgery again.
Fizzy drinks, sugary sweets, chewing gum: I can't have these while wearing braces. The acid from them will damage my teeth permanently, and it's SOOOOO VERY HARD to not have them!! Especially fizzy drinks :( I miss the sweet taste of Coca Cola :((
Ibuprofen: I've not been allowed these since my surgery. Something out affecting the rods and spines, I think it was... So I can only have paracetamol, and IT'S NOT MUCH HELP FOR HURTING BRACES THE DAY AFTER THEY'RE TIGHTENED!
on February 12, 2015

I was banned from hard sweets, after I choked on one when I was three. I am still not allowed to eat some types of sweets that are hard...
on February 12, 2015

on February 12, 2015

Anime. :3
on February 12, 2015