who believes in god?
i belive in god but do you i just want to know just asking but do you?
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Well, I don't know why I'm here since this would be best as a question, not a page. Nonetheless, I suppose I might as well answer the question.
Do I believe in God?
Heh, it's a good question, one I'm still not sure of the answer myself. I question myself about it every day.
I suppose I'm in the middle.
I was born in a Christian family but I, myself, have strong doubts about it.
It's like, I want to believe that God exists, that there is a Heaven after death awaiting for us, but See More I don't.
Call me a Doubting Thomas, but there is no proof of this, thus I can't will myself to believe. It's not like someone can come back from the dead (Excluding 'Jesus' who may or not exist, no offence to any Catholics or Christians) and tell us about Heaven. Still, I want to believe.
But nonetheless, I suppose I'm an Atheist. That doesn't mean that I believe in evolutionism or the Big Bang Theory, but we must have come here somehow. How? I don't know, and I suppose I never will. That or I'm in the middle. *Shrugs*
Do I believe in God?
Heh, it's a good question, one I'm still not sure of the answer myself. I question myself about it every day.
I suppose I'm in the middle.
I was born in a Christian family but I, myself, have strong doubts about it.
It's like, I want to believe that God exists, that there is a Heaven after death awaiting for us, but See More I don't.
Call me a Doubting Thomas, but there is no proof of this, thus I can't will myself to believe. It's not like someone can come back from the dead (Excluding 'Jesus' who may or not exist, no offence to any Catholics or Christians) and tell us about Heaven. Still, I want to believe.
But nonetheless, I suppose I'm an Atheist. That doesn't mean that I believe in evolutionism or the Big Bang Theory, but we must have come here somehow. How? I don't know, and I suppose I never will. That or I'm in the middle. *Shrugs*

Mmm, well, it's good to see that you're dedicated to your faith. And thanks for being so understanding too .3.
on July 19, 2016

so, I totally get it. sometimes I feel like this, but I know I will keep believing in the gods. and I made a promise to believe in them.
on July 19, 2016
on July 19, 2016

Another one of the those pages were everyone goes apeshit.
So personally I don't believe in God or any form of religion. However I am open to the idea of religions belief. Now people coming here talking about how everyone should believe and people coming over calling it shit is NOT needed. And those who have opinions that aren't bashing others I commend you. And those not making a fuss I commend thee too. However bashing 5he page and fighting against people who don't believe is See More pointless and just childish. So yeah. Be nice 'Kay? Thanks.
So personally I don't believe in God or any form of religion. However I am open to the idea of religions belief. Now people coming here talking about how everyone should believe and people coming over calling it shit is NOT needed. And those who have opinions that aren't bashing others I commend you. And those not making a fuss I commend thee too. However bashing 5he page and fighting against people who don't believe is See More pointless and just childish. So yeah. Be nice 'Kay? Thanks.
on July 19, 2016

I do, but why is this here?

Yeah, I mean, I respect people's religious beliefs but, this is unnecessary. And I'm kind of offended by this as well. This doesn't need to be here.
on July 19, 2016

just to so people can know if you do or not. And, @SmolBeanie696 that's not what everyone's doing.
on July 19, 2016

That's what I'd like to know.
I'm pretty sure it's so people can dump shit on what other's believe in.
I'm pretty sure it's so people can dump shit on what other's believe in.
on July 19, 2016
on July 19, 2016

Mmm, well, I care /enough/ about God, I was pushed more towards Christianity.
on July 19, 2016

Hardly, I'm agnostic but I mostly don't believe in him much. I know that there's some thing out there that created the universe, but I don't believe that it was God.
I kinda stopped believing bc
1) he never answered any of my prayers(like, desperate prayers like: 'save me' 'save my friends' 'please help' I'm talking like, asking him to help my friends bc some of them are p suicidal)
2) Christianity is a reason I want to die
3) I'm told to not be me and that people shouldn't See More look up to me all bc of some stupid bible rules
4) there's no point in believing in something that might not be real.
Eh, idk. I'm in between p much.
I kinda stopped believing bc
1) he never answered any of my prayers(like, desperate prayers like: 'save me' 'save my friends' 'please help' I'm talking like, asking him to help my friends bc some of them are p suicidal)
2) Christianity is a reason I want to die
3) I'm told to not be me and that people shouldn't See More look up to me all bc of some stupid bible rules
4) there's no point in believing in something that might not be real.
Eh, idk. I'm in between p much.

Question that branch of christaity, it should not make you want to kill yourself, its all about peace love and understanding. also some things are in Gods hands, I have had some pretty nasty things happen in my life and its just Gods will, he hears your prayers and he also will test you, its justvapart of being a Christian. Its a struggle
on July 19, 2016

I understand. But, I believe that maybe God thinks your able to fight for yourself, that you are strong. That you are mature, and when the right time comes, he'll help.
on July 19, 2016
on July 19, 2016

I'm not hating on anyone. Just don't say anything bad about them. It makes me feel like I wanna cry, if you say something bad.

I am even hurt, but you must not show that,that they are right because they are breaking you
on July 19, 2016

I know it hurts, but you must tell them the love and teaching of jesus when they hurt you, draw strentgh from the lord and he will deliver
on July 19, 2016
on July 19, 2016

I sorta believe??
But since people are making religions for fictional characters, I also believe in Din, Nayru, Farore, and Hylia.
But since people are making religions for fictional characters, I also believe in Din, Nayru, Farore, and Hylia.
on July 19, 2016

I am a full on Christian, I may be able to answer questions but if I can't then its just me, that I don't know said question. But yes, I love God, I do not think he left us to rot but more like he is boiling potatos to me, Creation: he put us in the pot, old testament: putting water in the pot with us, Jesus is the light, the fire, the only way for us to boil (be saved) the he occasionally throws in some salt and stirs us and tends to us, though he's in the room with us, he isn't See More paying 100% attention to us. Then the day will come where he takes the good, boiled potatoes and makes something beautiful with us. This is just a metaphor, I don't actually believe we are being cooked for God's dinner. But you get the point, I became faithful to him fairly recently and just realized the importance of prayers, he always answers in his way, his plan is his plan, he is God, he can do whatever he wants with just.
on July 19, 2016

i don't believe in god but i believe in gods. (Egyptian and Greek)
on July 19, 2016

I'm a Christian and I believe fully, but it's not like I'm going to force my religion down other's throats.

on July 19, 2016

Yes, but you're referring that I said something rude. You havd to understand that we aren't all the same. We believe in different things, different religions, and so on.
on July 19, 2016

It was not rudeness. It was her/him (I forget what gender they are, DONT KILL ME DX) having an opinion.
It was not rudeness. It was her/him (I forget what gender they are, DONT KILL ME DX) having an opinion.
on July 19, 2016
on July 19, 2016

why don't anyone here believe?

on July 19, 2016
on July 19, 2016

I don't fully believe
But I also fully don't believe that we won't go somewhere after we're all dead and gone from this earth
Maybe there's something above heaven??
Does that make any sense?
I don't fully believe
But I also fully don't believe that we won't go somewhere after we're all dead and gone from this earth
Maybe there's something above heaven??
Does that make any sense?
on July 19, 2016

Kinda but I don't really know
on July 19, 2016