Middle\dark Ages Roleplay
i like the middle ages so why not rp with it, have fun and i'll make a form soon
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OMG! I saw the photo and immediately clicked subscribe!!!!

on February 15, 2015

on February 14, 2015
on February 14, 2015

(Rp deleted somehow)
Hazuki: *drinks bag of blood, and realizes she forgot James was there*
(Rp deleted somehow)
Hazuki: *drinks bag of blood, and realizes she forgot James was there*
on January 31, 2015

Rank: noble
Nationality: french
Likes:the sea
Other: she's James older brother
Rank: noble
Nationality: french
Likes:the sea
Other: she's James older brother
on January 26, 2015

Name: James bonnefoy
Gender: male
Rank: noble
Nationality: French
Backstory: his father was a friend of Joan of arc, so he hopes some day to fight him self in her honor
Other: he has 2 sisters and 1 brother
Gender: male
Rank: noble
Nationality: French
Backstory: his father was a friend of Joan of arc, so he hopes some day to fight him self in her honor
Other: he has 2 sisters and 1 brother
on January 25, 2015

Name: Hazel
Age: 14 (nearly 15)
Gender: female
Rank: knight
Nationality: German
Likes: Animals, books, drawing, writing, reading, the forest, trees, water and fighting
Dislikes: People who cut down trees, people who hurt animals, dresses and girly stuff
Age: 14 (nearly 15)
Gender: female
Rank: knight
Nationality: German
Likes: Animals, books, drawing, writing, reading, the forest, trees, water and fighting
Dislikes: People who cut down trees, people who hurt animals, dresses and girly stuff

on January 25, 2015
on January 25, 2015

Anna: *walking*
on January 25, 2015

Name: Anna Rose
Age: 15
Gender: female
Rank: princess
Nationality: Japan
Likes: drawing, reading, writing, forest, and cats
Dislikes: jerks
Age: 15
Gender: female
Rank: princess
Nationality: Japan
Likes: drawing, reading, writing, forest, and cats
Dislikes: jerks
on January 25, 2015

Gender: female
personlity: tough
Rank: noble (But she wants to be a knight)
Nationality: French,(she's part german too)
Likes: Knights and fighting See More
Dislikes: dresses
Gender: female
personlity: tough
Rank: noble (But she wants to be a knight)
Nationality: French,(she's part german too)
Likes: Knights and fighting See More
Dislikes: dresses
on January 25, 2015

on January 24, 2015