stupid school rules
we know that they say the school rules are to make us safe, but have they took these rules a little too far? SHARE THY RULE AMONST OTHERS AND SEE WHAT KIND OF RULES ARE AT OTHER SCHOOLS :D
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Some kids dont have PE at my school. They want us to get excercise but we arent allowed to run.
Sarcastically: cause its soooo much fun to sit down! It also gives us a ton of excercise!
And then if you dont have a D or F, you get extra 10 minutes of recess. They want us to use the bathroom in our free time. We arent allowed to use it those ten minutes.
Use the bathroom between classes. If late to class, oh well! A tecaher used to go to enter the bathroom during the one minute See More warning bell and would start class late. So, teachers can start class late all they want, but we get a "mark' or whatever you guys call it if we are late to class THREE times. -.-
Sarcastically: cause its soooo much fun to sit down! It also gives us a ton of excercise!
And then if you dont have a D or F, you get extra 10 minutes of recess. They want us to use the bathroom in our free time. We arent allowed to use it those ten minutes.
Use the bathroom between classes. If late to class, oh well! A tecaher used to go to enter the bathroom during the one minute See More warning bell and would start class late. So, teachers can start class late all they want, but we get a "mark' or whatever you guys call it if we are late to class THREE times. -.-
I know. Its annoying.
on June 27, 2016

on June 27, 2016
on March 03, 2016

No unnatural hair colors, no unnatural makeup, and wear pants/skirts that go past your fingertips, no leggings
on March 03, 2016

You can't go to the bathroom during class.
No mints or gum (There's a black market selling tic tacs and gum at my school xD)
If you miss a homework assignment you get a homework alert, telling your parents you didn't complete it and make them sign it.
The teachers give out lunch detentions at the weirdest things.
In computer class you can't look at YouTube comment sections.
That's all I can think of right now.
No mints or gum (There's a black market selling tic tacs and gum at my school xD)
If you miss a homework assignment you get a homework alert, telling your parents you didn't complete it and make them sign it.
The teachers give out lunch detentions at the weirdest things.
In computer class you can't look at YouTube comment sections.
That's all I can think of right now.
on March 03, 2016

Can't stand up at lunch
Is it like when we will stand up a bomb is randomly going to appear and it will kill everyone? Plus if you think we are going to run around we are not
Can't go to the washroom twice a day or else it's considered 'wasting time'
Is it like we are going to open the chamber of secrets in the washroom? And what if we absolutely have to go? Uh huh!
No chewing gum
Teachers do it anyways.... What great role models. Well I guess it's bad since people may stick See More it under desks and stuff but the teachers do it so really?
Is it like when we will stand up a bomb is randomly going to appear and it will kill everyone? Plus if you think we are going to run around we are not
Can't go to the washroom twice a day or else it's considered 'wasting time'
Is it like we are going to open the chamber of secrets in the washroom? And what if we absolutely have to go? Uh huh!
No chewing gum
Teachers do it anyways.... What great role models. Well I guess it's bad since people may stick See More it under desks and stuff but the teachers do it so really?

on June 26, 2016
on March 03, 2016

Fun Dip is banned.

on March 03, 2016
on March 03, 2016

No dip dyeing your hair, no extreme makeup, no heels
UGGH, the list goes on and on
UGGH, the list goes on and on

I'm not trying to argue, but those last two have a reason.
1) A lot of makeup can be distracting, and makeup easily rubs off on things. If you stratch the corner of your lip and get bright red lipstick all over your fingers and then touch the teacher's desk or any desk, it's gonna be all over. Same with eyeshadow, eyeliner, etc.
2) Considering you are in middle See More school, not many kids that age can actually walk in high heels, therefore high heels are a safety hazard.
1) A lot of makeup can be distracting, and makeup easily rubs off on things. If you stratch the corner of your lip and get bright red lipstick all over your fingers and then touch the teacher's desk or any desk, it's gonna be all over. Same with eyeshadow, eyeliner, etc.
2) Considering you are in middle See More school, not many kids that age can actually walk in high heels, therefore high heels are a safety hazard.
on March 03, 2016
on March 02, 2016

I had a school iPad...I drew a gun, took a picture of it....yeah I am not allowed to have an iPad at school anymore...
Its not like I'm a terrorist or Donald trump
Its not like I'm a terrorist or Donald trump

It wasn't meant be violent...I was just being creative (it wasn't pointed at anyone and there was no blood)
on March 03, 2016

and @Mettons_Legs its not realy violent unless there's blood or something, like the gun is pointed at somebody's head... that's just my opinion though
on March 03, 2016

on March 03, 2016
on March 02, 2016

1) Can't talk about LGBT+ or be one of them unless you want teacher to say: ew that's gross
2) SHOULDERS Yes because someone is going to walk up to you and say: "mmh those shoulders be sexy"
3) can't eat snack in most classes
4) won't let you go to the bathroom
2) SHOULDERS Yes because someone is going to walk up to you and say: "mmh those shoulders be sexy"
3) can't eat snack in most classes
4) won't let you go to the bathroom
on March 02, 2016

Since I'm going to school in America I can't talk Japanese or else they'll get on my case but there's one teacher he's my LA teacher and he learned Japanese and he's alright with it other than my other teachers -_-
on March 02, 2016

Transgender kids have to go to the bathroom for their biological sex.

Ikr! And then when admins check the cameras after school- they get sent to the principal's office for going into the wrong bathroom- and they have to explain that they are trans.
on March 02, 2016
on March 02, 2016
When you draw in class and the teacher doesnt let you.
20 years later.
This is my latest artwork. Oh! Is that you Mrs. (Insert teachers name)? You didnt let me draw in class. NOW LOOK AT ME!!!! Lol.
20 years later.
This is my latest artwork. Oh! Is that you Mrs. (Insert teachers name)? You didnt let me draw in class. NOW LOOK AT ME!!!! Lol.
Making millions off a drawing where you just got paint and splattered it on the canvas in 15 seconds. Now THATS awesome.
on March 03, 2016
on March 02, 2016

Can't color hair it only has to be a "natural hair color"
no jewelry
can't wear Hoodies...
only Polishable shoes
no jewelry
can't wear Hoodies...
only Polishable shoes

on March 02, 2016

my scool isnt that strict well you cant have like purple hair at graduation but if you get in a fight its either suspension or expulsion
on September 16, 2015

on September 16, 2015
on September 16, 2015

Wear caps and hats. Can't
You cant show shoulders
Not allowed to brings stuff from home
No electronics
You need to eat lunch no matter how much you dont want to
No sandals
No rap songs See More
The only words you can say (that are bad) is stupid, moron, dork, idiot, shut up, damn, sexy, and crap. That's all you can say.
No wigs
No costumes (unless it's Halloween)
Don't bring anything that is more than $100
No speaking a different language
No guns (or talking about it)
No cigarettes
No alcohol
No touching
Boys aren't allowed to play with girls. Girls aren't allowed to play with boys. Vise versa
You cant show shoulders
Not allowed to brings stuff from home
No electronics
You need to eat lunch no matter how much you dont want to
No sandals
No rap songs See More
The only words you can say (that are bad) is stupid, moron, dork, idiot, shut up, damn, sexy, and crap. That's all you can say.
No wigs
No costumes (unless it's Halloween)
Don't bring anything that is more than $100
No speaking a different language
No guns (or talking about it)
No cigarettes
No alcohol
No touching
Boys aren't allowed to play with girls. Girls aren't allowed to play with boys. Vise versa
on September 16, 2015

You can't draw circles with a compass when you are in lunch. Seriously, I just want to draw a flipping circle...
on September 03, 2015

on August 22, 2015

You can't show your shoulders because it is a distraction to males XD

on August 22, 2015

Right?! XD then there are the others like "mmm...them shoulders...i wanna just pet em...mmmmmm...those ankles...mmm that wrist" >XD
on August 22, 2015
on August 22, 2015