Those Awkward Moments...
I got this idea when I was searching through my gallery and noticed a picture of a VERY awkward moment. Anyways, LET THE AWKWARDNESS BEGIN! XD
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The awkward moment when you're talking with your friend and walking past randomers, and your conversation out of context sounds so weird/psychopathic/creepy/random/pervy that they just stare at you.

on September 25, 2014

Anarhia and bff talk stuff that only we understand and the others are just like wtf
on September 25, 2014
on September 24, 2014

Dat awkward moment when you hug your sibling in public only to find out the person you hugged was not, in fact, your sibling and instead a complete and total stranger.
on September 24, 2014

Hey one time i got my sister to wave at a complete stranger and he waved back and winked it was creepy and funny
on September 23, 2014

XD I was like "KYLLLEEEE! Hey..watcha doin :3" and he was like "...Uh I don't know you." And I was like "._." He didn't even look like my brother XD
on September 23, 2014
on September 23, 2014

Who ever made this page should make a funny moments page seriously a funny moment page would be awesome:D
on September 23, 2014

That awkward moment when you fall asleep during a test

That actually happened to me during my state assessments and I obviously didn't get very good scores ;-; I didn't sleep much dat week except in the assessment.
on September 23, 2014

I have learned that who ever puts up an awkward moment, that litterally happened to that person!
on September 23, 2014
on September 23, 2014

on September 23, 2014

That awkward moment when your caught with your hand in the cookie jar
on September 23, 2014

That awkward moment when you need to fart during a pep assembly and some girl farts really loud halfway across the room and you laugh so hard you let one out on accident

Then the girl ran because she was embarased and she trips before she gets to the door it was hilarious
on September 23, 2014

on September 23, 2014
on September 23, 2014

That awkward moment when James had inflatable boob suits on Pokemon
(Srsly look it up)
(Srsly look it up)

I watched that on youtube not exactly i looked up episodes that were never aired and i found it
on September 23, 2014
on September 23, 2014

That awkward moment when you tell a really funny joke and all your friends don't find it funny and just quietly stare at you.
on September 24, 2014
on September 23, 2014

That awkward moment when you go to shake someones hand but they go for a hug and you just stand there like; Well... that went well....
on September 22, 2014

That awkward moment when you shouldn't have laughed, that awkward moment when they werent waving at you, they weren't talking to you, you pull a door that says push (vice versa), walking on a crowded sidewalk and inadvertently swinging your hand into someone’s crotch, typing out a text/email in a rush and sending it to the wrong person, telling someone a hilarious story and realizing that they were the one who told it to you, asking someone at a store for a different size and See More realizing they don’t work there, thinking there’s one more step to walk down and tripping over the unexpectedly flat ground, laughing out loud at something you read in public and everyone looks at you...should I stop now? XD

The text one has happened so many times......
Sent a text to my friend instead of my mum, she thought I'd been kidnapped and phoned the school when I didn't come home -_-
Sent a text to my friend instead of my mum, she thought I'd been kidnapped and phoned the school when I didn't come home -_-
on September 24, 2014

The first one is so like me. Everyone's all like," It's so easy to make her laugh!" Even when it's something everyone's not laughing at, I'm the only one that's laughing and everyone is staring at me with a WTH face...
on September 23, 2014

Sometimes When theres is a total silence sorounded by people i begin to laugh like crazy
on September 23, 2014

Especially the first one! I have a horrible case of the "giggles" and can't help but laugh during very serious moments.
on September 22, 2014
on September 22, 2014

That awkward moment when your in church and someone holds out there hand for you to shake when you pull your hand towards them to shake it and the person next to you shakes the hand then you realize that hand wasn't supposed to be shaked by you (this happend to me yesterday)

@SwiftElementTheDarkWolf DAMNIT! Still don't tell anyone it's supposed to be a secret but especially don't tell Alexis
on September 23, 2014

on September 23, 2014
on September 22, 2014

That awkward moment when your parter for jiu jitsu is a guy ( for girls and jiu jitsu is where you flip each other over )

on September 23, 2014
on September 22, 2014

The awkward moment when your younger sibling does something inappropriate ( suggestive, sexual etc.) but doesn't get why it's wrong

yes! you kinda don't know what to day or do and you make it more awkward by being awkward:)
on September 23, 2014
on September 22, 2014

uploaded a photo
That awkward moment when you see your brother wearing a bridal dress...

on September 22, 2014