Avengers Assemble
Any one who loves Avengers can com here. Post comments and photos and fan girl over any Avenger(Loki is accepted for any of his, fans boy or girl)
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Captain America: Civil War - Trailer World Premiere
This is the worldwide exclusive trailer debut for Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe Watch ...
on November 28, 2015

OMG I can't believe that the next movie comes out in 2018!! That's so far away... :(
on October 05, 2015

Aviators - This Means War (feat. SlyphStorm) (Avengers: AoU Song)
This Means War is a song about a battle between heroes and villains, and the fight for the future of humanity. SlyphStorm and I had a lot of fun with this Av...
on September 14, 2015

Anyone here seen Age of Ultron yet?
on May 08, 2015
on May 08, 2015

Look at what I found!
Look at what I found!
List of Elemental Abilities - Superpower Wiki
Aerokinesis -manipulate the air, wind, and gas., Aeroportation - teleport using air/wind currents., Air Mimicry - transform into a cloud of gas, fog, or mist., Atmokinesis - manipulate the weather by mixing water, fire, earth, air, and lightning/electricity., Deoxygenation - suck up all the oxygen from a place., Lung Adaptation - breath anywhere, Wind Generation - create blasts of air., Divine Winds Manipulation - create and control heavenly winds., Dark Wind Manipulation - create and...
on April 03, 2015

hey I love the advengers

Look at this. We can use this for our stories.
Look at this. We can use this for our stories.
on April 03, 2015
on April 02, 2015

Second best scene.
Second best scene.

Marvel's The Avengers (1/10) Best Movie Quote - Black Widow - Opening Scene (2012)
She probably can text and drive so well. Subscribe here: http://www.youtube.com/bestmoviequote Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/best.mov.quote Twitter: http...
on April 01, 2015

This is for me!!:D
This is for me!!:D

Hulk beats Loki "Puny God" Funniest Moment From The Avengers (2012)
Skip navigation UploadSign in Search Loading... Close Yeah, keep it Undo Close This video is unavailable. Watch Queue TV Queue Watch QueueTV Queue Remove all Disconnect Loading... Watch Queue TV Queue __count__/__total__ Find out whyClose Hulk beats Loki "Puny God" Funniest Moment From The Avengers (2012) Muhammad Salem SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe418 Subscription preferences Loading... Loading... Working... Add to Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Sign in Share More Report Need to report the video? Sign in to report inappropriate content. Sign in Statistics 1,123,097 4,448 Like this video? Sign in to make your opinion count. Sign in 4,449 307 Don't like this video? Sign in to make your opinion count. Sign in 308 Load
on April 01, 2015

This is for you angelbeats!!:D
This is for you angelbeats!!:D

The Avengers - Iron Man VS Loki W/ MK VII Suit up | 1080pMovieClips
Scene from the movie uploaded in 1080p HD quality. Hope you enjoy. All content belongs to it's respective owners, I do not own any of the content in this video.
on April 01, 2015

Yeah, I don't know the moves at all and shit, but hey, I had fun! Casual Loki for the win! If you liked the video, please check out my fansite http://www.fac...
on April 01, 2015

Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron - TV Spot 2
Meet Earth's Mightiest Heroes once again with a new preview for Marvel's "Avengers: Age of Ultron," in theaters May 1! ► Subscribe to Marvel: http://bit.ly/W...
on March 22, 2015

Avengers 2: Age of Ultron | official trailer #3 US (2015) Robert Downey Jr.
official trailer for Marvels Avengers: Age of Ultron - Мстители: Эра Альтрона - Vingadores: Era de Ultron - Avengers: L'ère d'Ultron - Os Vingadores 2: A Era...
on March 12, 2015
on March 08, 2015

Name:Laura Winters
Personality:Smart,Nerdy,Geeky and Shy but when you get to know her she's not such a weird girl after all
Powers: Ice and Snow, some times Water and came communicate with animals
Other:She is a part time agent of Shield, an Avenger and before the Battle of New York she lived with Dr. Bruce Banner because her family is dead and he's a family friend.
Personality:Smart,Nerdy,Geeky and Shy but when you get to know her she's not such a weird girl after all
Powers: Ice and Snow, some times Water and came communicate with animals
Other:She is a part time agent of Shield, an Avenger and before the Battle of New York she lived with Dr. Bruce Banner because her family is dead and he's a family friend.
on February 10, 2015

(anyone can join and/or can be an oc or a marvel character)
Vanessa: *walking though a dark ally to get home quicker and see's people's shadows* I knew this was a bad idea...
Vanessa: *walking though a dark ally to get home quicker and see's people's shadows* I knew this was a bad idea...

Laura: *both go hide behind a crate* Alright when they come we are going to follow them.
on April 16, 2015

Laura: Ok so someone is still here. *says out loud* Lets go look around! *says in a whisper* Stay here.
on April 10, 2015
on February 10, 2015

Name: Vanessa Erickson
Age: 17
Personality: Fun to be around (once you get to know her), can be really shy at times, loves photography, reading, and drawing.
Powers/abilities: Learned combat fighting from her father and uses small daggers.
Other: She's a professional photographer and also had a brother but he died fighting in a war. And is a skilled violinist.
Age: 17
Personality: Fun to be around (once you get to know her), can be really shy at times, loves photography, reading, and drawing.
Powers/abilities: Learned combat fighting from her father and uses small daggers.
Other: She's a professional photographer and also had a brother but he died fighting in a war. And is a skilled violinist.
on February 07, 2015