Real Life Roleplay
Here You Can Play As Your Self IRL! You Can Meet Other Qfeasters As Well. NO Need For A Form. Have Fun Roleplaying! :D
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(wow hahahhah this page nice)
Lilia: *sitting on the floor, reading Homestuck on my computer*
Lilia: *sitting on the floor, reading Homestuck on my computer*
on September 28, 2015

Alyza: *walking, hood up and over my head* *headphones listening to music* *looking a bit grumpy* hmph
on March 24, 2015

Ashley: *Walking around the pond in my neighborhood, listening to loud Skrillex dubstep, not realizing how loud it really is*
on February 14, 2015

Camille: *Walking Around The Neighborhood, Listening To Music On Her Headphones*
on February 14, 2015

on February 04, 2015

Melody: *crying*

Life. Everyone treats me terribly. Except qfeast. (well @melodythehedgebathater is just mean). And I'm going to fail school
on February 03, 2015
on February 03, 2015

Tara : *wanting to run outside scream angrily but cant*Grrrr.......*growling*
on February 03, 2015

I will murder him..........No no no no no no Bad Tara bad!!!!!!!! You cant kill people ur not allowed to Now do ur homework!!!!!
on February 03, 2015

Just because of SecretlySlyCat He will get killed.........soon..........*growls*
on February 03, 2015
on February 03, 2015

Armando:*doing an essay report about what life would be like on mercury*

*puts on a top hat**looks at a mirror* hey nice hat*sarcasm*
I was being sarcastic
Well i stole your face
*puts on a slenderman mask and facepalms*
I was being sarcastic
Well i stole your face
*puts on a slenderman mask and facepalms*
on February 04, 2015

on February 04, 2015
on February 03, 2015

Damion:*researching Cuba for a World Languages project* I wonder what is happening on Qfeast.
on February 03, 2015

Raptor: *writing another fanfiction*
on February 03, 2015

Matlen:*wake up and yells out a stupid word then grabs my ipad and cheaks qfeast*
on February 03, 2015

Kristina: *singing* I hate you , I realy hate you , so much ithink it must be truuuuee love truuuuue love
on January 23, 2015

Camile: *Staring Off Into Space, Bored*
on January 21, 2015

Tara: *listening to Baby Metal, waiting*

on January 20, 2015
on January 20, 2015

Me: *waiting for someone to talk to or something interesting to happen*
on January 20, 2015

Me: *on qfeast waiting for something interesting to happen in mewsfeed or something

Tara : VERY BORD *hits head on the wall*WHY DID I DO THAT XD DX *laughing while rubbing head*
on January 21, 2015

Val: for some reason... without all the qfeast drama... qfeast is quiet... and getting boring at times depending on what ur doing
on January 21, 2015

on January 20, 2015
on January 20, 2015

Damion:*on Qfeast, waiting for my girlfriend*
on January 20, 2015