Bad Habits We Have!
List out all the bad habits you have on this page! Feel free to see other peoples habits and, if you can relate to them! :D
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Even though I am 16, I act like I'm 10.

yea that's EXACTLY like my little sister! but unlike her no one on here gets me PO'd like she does. ugh, siblings
on December 29, 2014
on December 29, 2014
on December 29, 2014
Falling in love too quickly o.O
on December 29, 2014
on December 29, 2014
on December 29, 2014

I have a habit of correcting everyone's English. ^.^U
on December 29, 2014

I have a habit of yelling in German when I get really hurt good thing is only my mom knows what I'm saying x3 cuz she's ok with cussing.
on December 29, 2014

Forgetting everything every 6 seconds.
on December 29, 2014

on December 29, 2014

When I'm on my stomach on my bed I always sway my legs back and forth so they beat on the walls thus making a delightful banging noise to my ears but then my dad comes in and tells me to stop :c
on December 29, 2014

Looking at girls butts

I am 12 and well some of them are really big and girls like wearing tight jeans and shorts so it's like my eyes get glued
on December 29, 2014
on December 29, 2014

Whenever One Direction comes on, my ears bleed and I scream at the radio. Literally, my ears will always bleed and I WILL scream involuntarily.
on December 29, 2014

Whenever JB comes on, I have a habit of screaming in pain and punching the radio.... Yeah.

He quit the music industry! YES! I never thought this day would come Yes! Finally!
on December 29, 2014
on December 29, 2014

Licking salt from my hands. And chewing on things. And eating my skin.
on December 29, 2014