Bayshore High School
Create your creators and make friends, deal with enemies, skip classes, eat lunch, and have fun!
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on March 28, 2021

Name: Nolan
Age: 17
Crush: Aaron
Gender: Male
Electives: Athletics
Sport: basket ball
Other: N/A for now
Age: 17
Crush: Aaron
Gender: Male
Electives: Athletics
Sport: basket ball
Other: N/A for now
on March 10, 2021

Name: Aaron
Age: 15
Crush: Noah
Gender: Female
Electives: Tech, Art, theatre arts,
Sport: N/A
Other: She is Polysexual and quiet
Age: 15
Crush: Noah
Gender: Female
Electives: Tech, Art, theatre arts,
Sport: N/A
Other: She is Polysexual and quiet
on March 09, 2021

Name: Faith
Age: 17
Crush: N/A
Gender: Female
Electives: (P.E, Band, Art, Choir, theater arts, track, Athletics, etc.) Theater
Sport: (optional)
Other: (optional)
Age: 17
Crush: N/A
Gender: Female
Electives: (P.E, Band, Art, Choir, theater arts, track, Athletics, etc.) Theater
Sport: (optional)
Other: (optional)
on March 09, 2021

Name: James
Age: 17
Crush: Star
Gender: male
Electives: art
Sport: N/A
other: Bisexual, quiet
Age: 17
Crush: Star
Gender: male
Electives: art
Sport: N/A
other: Bisexual, quiet
on March 09, 2021

Name: Noah
Age: 19
Crush: idk
Gender: male
Electives: track?
Sport: basketball
Other: bi
Age: 19
Crush: idk
Gender: male
Electives: track?
Sport: basketball
Other: bi
on March 09, 2021

Name: Moon
Age: 17
Crush: James
Gender: Female
Electives: Art, Music
Sport: Track
Other: Pansexual
Age: 17
Crush: James
Gender: Female
Electives: Art, Music
Sport: Track
Other: Pansexual
on March 08, 2021

Maya whispers: Who is that with Miyaka?
Serria: Dont worry about it.. he is not going to be in fight... only miyaka.
Sabrina: when are we going to attack?
Serria: Right after lunch
Serria: Dont worry about it.. he is not going to be in fight... only miyaka.
Sabrina: when are we going to attack?
Serria: Right after lunch
on March 08, 2021
Maya: She said my jump-roping skills are so great that she wants to meet me at Olive Garden for lunch
Maya: You guys wont believe what i just did