on September 08, 2021

Guys it has been so long omlllll I missed you all and I have no clue who anyone is be y’all changed ur users xD but I’m so happy o have a chance to be back onnnnn eeeemok so I started school again TwT and I have a girlfriend:) but besides the point I’m not on Funimate @LittleCryingBxtch so if y’all have gimme a follow i also now have a yt and I will put the link in my bio ;) I will try to be on laterrrr have a great day or night

Yesss lol and now that I read over this lol there are so many typos @BlueTheQuizWhiz97 @Mei_tehmiko21 hru guys
on August 18, 2021
on August 17, 2021

Omg yall hey its been a while havent been able to find a time to get on!! Lil update i have a new boyfriend and i feel alot happier surprisingly!! I will try to be on in a few days and hope you guys have a good day/night
on June 12, 2021

Ok sooooo I’m a little worried bc we are getting school iPads taken up tomorrow and that what I use for qfeast bc my mom would kill me if she found out I never deleted my acc if she goes through my history on my phone... but I do have access to a computer and ik a way lol so I will come on mostly at night -3-
on May 17, 2021

SydneyShortcake added a photo to the starred list

on May 11, 2021

I heard you like bad girls
Well I’m bad....
At everything
*winks with both eyes*
Well I’m bad....
At everything
*winks with both eyes*
on May 05, 2021