My dragon art page?
Ummm... Dragon art page, no more needs to be said. Other then my phone is crap! ?
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Due to school and other stressful stuff I haven't really had that much time to draw so I won't be posting as often and when I do it most likely will only be a couple of unfinished drawings
on October 17, 2020

list of art ideas (so i don't forget)
-wasp dragon
-paint on more feathers
-paint landscape for my art class
-try drawing something other than dragons
-draw humans
-dinos See More
-finsh old sketches
-redraw my old art
-customize these cheap dino figurines
-finsh some of my old sculptures
-wasp dragon
-paint on more feathers
-paint landscape for my art class
-try drawing something other than dragons
-draw humans
-dinos See More
-finsh old sketches
-redraw my old art
-customize these cheap dino figurines
-finsh some of my old sculptures
on September 21, 2020

Also there's going to be a whole lot more little doodles because my classes are boring
on September 20, 2020

on September 20, 2020