My dragon art page?
Ummm... Dragon art page, no more needs to be said. Other then my phone is crap! ?
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Also I've been experimenting with a more realistic style so tell me if it's good or not
on July 28, 2020

One day I'll get a good phone and I won't keep on complaining about quality

Have you considered doing digital art? I started drawing on the computer because my camera wasn't any good.
on July 19, 2020

on July 18, 2020
on July 18, 2020

rn I'm working on a dragon bird, I'll post it as soon as I'm done
on July 18, 2020

You know, one day when I'll get a good phone you'll be able to see the drawings
on July 14, 2020

Ok, at this point i'm literally just drawing all of @thestalker ‘s drawings because I'm creative~ and original~, so… There’s that… umm… They’re really cool you should go check them out...
on July 13, 2020

for some reason I can't draw a dragon anymore
on July 13, 2020

Ooohh, My photos might be crappy because my phone's camera. I have an Android and it's camera isn't the best...
on July 09, 2020