the CRAZIEST thing you've ever done!
just write the craziest things you've ever done! :D NOTE: if you MUST write something "inappropriate" -_-. PLEASE just become a member and write it in the "Talk Room". KEEP THE MAIN PAGE CLEAN! that's all i ask! if you post anything that's dirty on the main page, it's getting deleted.
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on Halloween it was raining pretty hard, so my family went to the mall and walked around to the stores giving out candy. the crazy thing was, my fiancé and I were dressed SO creepy we scared adults and children didn't want to turn their backs to us. people even asked to take our picture. it was great!
on January 05, 2016

I told The hottest most sweetest girl in the world that I loved her, ever since then we have been happy together.
on October 05, 2015

Me and my friend where playing and I randomly decided to put a lsp in my mouth....
on February 17, 2015

i once tried to hold my sister's pet snake (knowing it hadn't eaten in a WHILE), it bit my wrist, and i grabbed it and yanked it off. some of it's teeth were in my skin and i had to pull them out.
on February 17, 2015

One time when I was little I was riding a horse and the horse was going so fast I freaked out and I scared the horse and she bucked me forward and continued running and I was straight in front of her and then while she was running she turned quickly her hoof was 2 inches away from my face actually since then I was terrified of riding her...

and I'm the opposite!!! haha. I've NEVER been afraid while watching a scary movie :P but i was scared on the freaking horse! ^_^ haha
on January 05, 2015

@SquareRootOf443556 haha me I still look out the shower curtain every now and then just to make sure chucky isn't there xD I just grew up with horses and knowing they are gentle giants...sometimes things just get the best of their fears.
on January 05, 2015

I'd be traumatized. the first time i rode a horse was last year, and it was only walking and a was freaking out a bit. if THAT happened to me... oh no. you've got balls kid.
on January 05, 2015

on January 05, 2015
on January 05, 2015

One of the craziest things I've done was back in school. Junior year! we had to write a paper on ANYTHING to do with History, then PRESENT it and talk about it with the class. i chose to to write and present my paper on Gilles De Rais (AKA "child killer" ) and The Rein Of Terror (the mass executions in France). i calmly told my class EVERYTHING not skipping any gory details, and keeping a straight face. IT WAS AWESOME! the reactions were PRICELESS!
on January 05, 2015